Velvet Al

“Girls should be able to be a fan of a comedian they admire without being a sexual target. It’s the adult’s responsibility to be an adult.”

Wonderfully put.

I’ve seen countless discussions over the past week about D’Elia, Warren Ellis, and Cameron Stewart and nobody has been able to say it so aptly or succinctly.

Better get my gun and go protest for the rights of underage girls to get hairc...

Yeah I just watched the Toys That Made Us on Netflix and they talk about that, Star Wars had faded somewhat with a ton of hardcore fans still going for the Expanded Universe stuff and video games, but it definitely was seen as a thing that ended in the 80's.

My only advice for him is to Wake up and perhaps Grab a brush and put a little makeup.

Shocked to see Chris D’Elia has been accused of being a comedian.

Since when is doing the hair of minors illeg...

No repercussions? So he can only play the drums one time?

Except he was joking as part of an elaborate ruse. You supporting it un-ironically just makes you an ignorant asshole who should stick to subjects they understand.

How do you manage to miss that you’re responding to a novelty account that reposts Daily Mail comments when it’s right in the username, and how do you also miss that the reposted comment is from October 2018? Like, did you stop reading after the first sentence?

Are they gonna have enough bronze for the bosom?

“Okay, we’ll go with our second idea: ‘Cum Guzzling Fuck Sluts’.”

But wouldn’t they then be sued by the Jonas Brothers?

Why the fuck wouldn’t you run a Google search before you change the name of your band, something you are only doing because you didn’t think through the implications of your current name?

25 years ago, sure, a mid-level southern country outfit and a niche northwestern blues singer might move in different enough

Lady whitey works

wtf? So is the band backstage discussing the Armenian genocide, and the drummer is just eating twizzlers and scrolling through facebook??

Q: what happened when the bass player locked his keys in the car?

How do you know a stage is level? Drool is coming out of both sides of the drummer’s mouth. 

Can confirm. I was in a band throughout my 20s that did some small time touring and we actually had different names for the songs that described what they sounded like just for the drummer because he could never remember the actual song titles.

Long-time musician here: I can confirm that the drummers NEVER know the lyrics. You can play a song thousands of times and they’ll still be like “huh that’s what you sing?” when you go to record. 

Who else is here reading comments in 2020!?