Velvet Al

“Maybe some Dark Elves do something?”

You could just about fit that into a pregnancy, thus giving your child in utero exposure to the entire MCU and birthing the most insufferable nerd-baby in history.


I will hunt a mother fucker down if they even think of messing with this guy! As a child of color I grew up in shit neighborhood with a shit school system that was just passing me on through the grades. I was in the 3rd grade and I could not read. His show, was the one thing that made me want to learn to read.

It’s definitely the hero we deserve.

I’m in if its just 30 minutes of him apologizing for the dumpster fire I watched, along with a coupon to get my rental fees back. 

“Grandpa, tell me about the coronavirus pandemic.”

Pete forever, Ringo never.

It’s the Ship of Theseus, except the ship is Journey and the mystery is why anybody cares.

This time, they’re going to CGI out Henry Cavill and just leave the moustache.

“Release the Snyder Cut of ‘The Big Chill’!”

His name is Steppenwolf, thankyou very much, and he’s very well respected in the theatre world.

I’m down the street at a well-made bonfire. But because it was set up by a woman, I have no choice but to criticize it in a 90-minute YouTube video. 

I can only hope that, in this version, a critical plot point will hinge on several characters simultaneously realizing that their mothers were all called Martha.

They add a CGI mustache on Hulk

Well, the angle at which you’re not downwind of the noxious smoke is inarguably the best angle from which to view a tire fire. Much like the best angle to view Justice League was from a different theater that was showing Avengers: Infinity War.

Don’t worry, it happens to a lot of men your age. Just think about baseball next time.

I’m glad this is happening. I was so disappointed that the theatrical cut was just mediocre instead of fucking terrible.

In related news, I went down to stare at the tire fire for a while, and then I decided that if I went around to the side and looked at the tire fire from another angle, it would somehow be better.

Now playing

There’s only Batwoman that could possibly do: