Velvet Al

I remember years ago on here someone told this great story about how they were at school when the verdict came down and the principal made an announcement over the PA system “The juice is loose” 

In his book he makes it quite clear that he didn’t deliberately tank ‘Gargoyles’, but goes into extensive detail about how he would have done it if he had.

This, according to the lawsuit, is where things go from annoying to evil: Supposedly, Hulu disabled HD streaming on the website on purpose, and it’s guiding users to switch to the apps because they make it easier to track their personal data.

I assumed them showing me the same commercials over and over again is an experiment intended to drive me insane, I wonder if I could sue them for that 

Perhaps if my doctor would tell me my diagnosis in 45 seconds while shaking his butt on my cell phone, maybe I’d take my blood pressure medication more consistently.

Do “most of us” actually know that song, that this 37-year-old American-born Delawarean has never heard before?

Gaiman’s challenge questions

The easiest way to prevent identity theft is to ensure your identity is shittier than even that of the thief.

No one whose password is in German could be an evil man!

It’s German for “The Witch The 123.”

And I hear The Beach Boys are going to do a very special General Hospital.

But what if... and stay with me here for a second if you can... just what if... you didn’t click it?

if “eating my hat” isn’t some sort of weird, illegal sex thing, I’ll eat my bits & pretzels.

Wow, I remember when “clickbait” used to mean a deliberately misleading headline on an article that turns out to be poorly written. Now it just means any subject you don’t want to know about?

He doesn’t look like a Marlon Brando Look Alike

NAMBLA canceled. Couldn't afford the PR hit.

I kind of feel like their marriage was the result of a series of farcical misunderstandings and he was simply too English to correct the priest before he declared them man and wife.

Sure. But cblakely implied it was all of them. Anansi Boys involves a sad sack, yes, but not a woman that I recall. One or maybe two-ish does not make a pattern.

It must have been a living hell for Neil to share quarantine with Amanda and a 4-year-old. One of them would be running up and down the halls screaming “LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!” all day long, and the other one is a 4-year-old.

To be fair, “have me divorce Neil Gaiman” was one of the rewards available on her Patreon.