Velvet Al

Yes, but they were married for the first part of 2020, which is the equivalent of fifteen years, so really they were married for twenty four years.

I REALLY liked her DD work, and it sucks that she’s just plunged deeper up her own asshole

I don’t know, that whole deal where she didn’t want to pay musicians to guest on her album even though she’s made better money than a lot of musicians (thanks to Dresden Dolls) still sticks in my craw a bit

I’m actually far more concerned with the dipping areas than I am with my pen.

I’m the reverse in that I like “Mr Show” but I always preferred KITH. I think a lot of it is my huge Dave Foley man-crush.

Leslie... we’re not here for you. Weird Al Yankovic is also in this article.

Good lord.... I used to tag them along occasionally just to see where it went, but then found I was suddenly getting loads more scam emails, everything from bank accounts offering 60% interest per annum to secret sales of stock in Apple and Microsoft. Reckoned if you replied to anything like this you got put on a

anyone who requests money can’t be trusted.

There’s the joke that the lockdown will result in a baby boom in 9 months -- but only among couples that haven’t had kids yet. Those locked down with their kids have no interest in adding to that.

Your wife’s name is “Hilarious”?

Top 5 Blink-182 tunes, brah

And then end it all with, “I directed Schindler’s List!”

At the new drive-ins, you’ll slide down a chute that sprays you with disinfectant fluid and land in your own clear-windowed isolation pod. The entire site will be burned to the ground once all patrons have left.

I have heard it really improves on the 5 millionth watch.

Sorry guys, this is my actually my fault. My niece wanted to see Trolls World Tour and I accidentally purchased it 5 million times.

Plus, I feel this show was getting in the way of his true calling: being rumored to be the next James Bond for the next decade. 

His delivery on the comedy bits continues to disappoint, but then again, Stewart was an absolute master at that, so maybe I’m being unfair.

He’ll also pronounce the P.

I want a scene where Marty, back in 1985, runs into old Marvin Berry and he goes, “What the fuck? You’re the kid from 1955 who sang that song!”

“And we’re also going to imply that a white man invented rock and roll, so we’re going to take that away from them as well.” - John Mulaney.