Velvet Al

Holy hell, that’s the Gene Simmons approach to business: “No free rides” even when it works to your own advantage. Is he on the board of directors?

Quibi is in no danger of becoming genericized.

“Please don’t do any positive word-of-mouth publicity on our behalf, thanks. We’re trying very hard to hide that our network is actually a very complex Producers-style scheme to tank as quickly as possible, as part of some billion dollar-level money laundering activities.”

Lea the mother would get a brief chuckle. Crispen the father might start wondering if Marty was his kid, and whether Lea the wife had a brief affair with Calvin 17 years prior.

Lorraine didn’t notice the change from Crispin Glover to Jeffrey Weissman, so why would anyone expect her to notice this?

It’s one of my favorite movies ever, and I’ve watched it 100 times or so, and I totally agree. You only see the new timeline parents for about a minute or so at the very end of the first movie (and then again in the second, but they’re elderly by that point), so it barely even matters anyway. The timeline weirdness

I think it’s weird that “Marty comes downstairs for breakfast and his parents don’t immediately mention Calvin Klein during their two moments of screen time” is considered “forgetting Calvin Klein” or “never mentioning Marty looks like Calvin Klein.” For all we know, Calvin Klein is the only thing they talk about,

In its defense, Back to the Future changed a lot throughout its production. It originally starred Eric Stoltz in what became Michael J Fox’s role, for one. For another, its original title was Mother F*cker (or ‘How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Mom’).

Also, how weird is it that ICP seems to have more care for its fans than certain governors around the country seem to have for their constituents? It’s a trick question, because it’s actually not weird at all.

Fucking viruses. How do they work?

Oh you mean Uncle Robert?”

“The monkeys don’t ‘do it’, they make-a love.”

Umm wasn’t ass pennies UCB?

“Born I never be asked! Back get off mine, dog!"

i really wish it was Venom II: The Legend of Curly’s Gold, but to be fair I think every sequel should be required by law to have The Legend of Curly’s Gold in its title.

Mandalorian ~ “The Child, have you cleaned your spaceroom?”

Well you were going to disappoint all of those women anyway. Better to get it over with now.

Visitor: “Wow those plague victims look like the real thing!”
Ren Faire organizer: “Yeah...look like...”

Oh, The Places You Should Not Go

No one knows what it’s like to be the bad president, behind orange flesh