Velvet Al

“You can take my ass when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!”

Also: Oliver did manage to get his hands on that piece of rat erotica he became obsessed with a couple weeks back. A triumph for America. 

My favorite point in was in “Fear Factor” which moved from dealing with fears to simply dealing with disgust. The point was when the contestants were each given a bowl with earthworms and maybe some dirt and the guy in the lead walks up picks up the bowl, turns to the host and tells him to shove it and then just walks

My friend Harvey said its okay if you do it in a plant

Asking for a friend names Louis.

Is jerking off in front of each other still on the table? The rules need clarification

This is America. An immigrant can have both jobs and hobbies.
What a country! 

The best thing about Jingle All The Way is any time Robert Smigel would impersonate Arnold Schwarzenegger on Conan and scream “JINGLE ALL THE WAY!”

So according to Hogan, God’s punishment for people who don’t want to worship him is exactly the same as his punishment for people who want to worship athletes, musicians, actors, and money?

I hope the split night thing is something they keep for the future. It made the viewing experience much more pleasant than the 7 hr slog the event has become over the years. I felt Night 1 was consistently better from top to bottom over Night 2 though. Night 2 had some nice moments (NXT title match, Orton/Edge,

I would argue that Tommy Boy is quite influential; how often do we all say “Fat guy in a little coat?” these days?

Radiation Vibe is an all-timer


Fountains of Wayne’s self-titled debut album has some real fucking bops on it. “Sink to the Bottom” and “Leave the Biker” are personal favorites. They were so much more than their one novelty hit.

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They got some really interesting guest stars. The second episode has Nick reconciling the news he has a daughter via a fantasy Jerry Springer episode.

You should watch it, it’s great. It’s just not the type of show that people go to Sy-fy for. I could see it having a longer life had it come out someplace like Netflix or Showtime.

Came to post this. 100% agree. Elliot went downhill fast, but at least he’s trying to redeem himself.

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One of my favorite songs of theirs is “Bright Future in Sales”:

I miss that show. Apparently, nobody knew what the fuck they were doing. Like, nobody knew what the wishees were until the writers needed to come up with an explanation. I’d have been interested in seeing where the hooks for the third season were going—The Blue Feather, undead Nick and all that—but the train’s left

That’s the one that makes you very, very cold, waking up next to an ugly neon sign in a dorm room, and wanting a hamburger immediately after you’re done with it.

Oh no... not the dreaded Jagermeistervirus!