Velvet Al

I haven't watched anything on Crackle in a couple of years, so I don't know if it's changed since then, but I never quite got how their ad-supported system worked when 95% of the ads were for Crackle itself.

They used to sell DVDs of vintage commercials, which I feel is like peak capitalism.

“Not that you can’t still see ads on Hulu, mind you; you just have to pay for the privilege, at least at the Disney-owned service’s lower pricing tiers.”

If people are willing to infect their computers with viruses and malware for free music and movies, they should be willing to play a round of Candy Crush on their phones will some ads play in the background for free TV shows.

Since the introduction of the VCR, we’ve been able to fast forward, meaning we’ve been able to pick and choose the parts we want to watch for decades now. And while I’m sure the director of “Bikini Carwash 2" doesn’t mind me watching only the titty scenes,Stanley Kubrick probably would’ve preferred if I watched the

“I guess Will could be gay - even with the “I am your [grand]father” reveal - but I feel like that’s a long shot at this point.”

HBO accidentally revealed Jeremy Irons is playing Adrian Veidt. Unless this is a brilliant misdirect.

Part of me hopes the winner tosses it into one of those bins of clothes for homeless people.

I don’t see the appeal in digitally downloading movies. How am I supposed to find the space for all the movies I want when I can barely find enough space for my porn collection?

N Sync was better solely because of Joey “The Fat One” Fatone.

I hear that they're going to cast a transgender Asian tree to play the next Black Widow.

Do we know for sure that during his eight year presidency, Clinton didn't get blowjobs from other interns?

Dr Katz had to have been one of the easiest shows to write. Half of it was just comedians doing their standup routine in a therapist's office.

If only they spent as much time on scripts as they did on the title.

Are the ratings for this spectacular? Or is there blackmail involved? Maybe they have a clairvoyant that told them the show will have a Seinfeld-esque turnaround next year and become one of the biggest shows in television history? Is there something in these three episodes that I missed that suggests we absolutely

Comic book movies and remakes make up a small part of films released every year. Yet they get the most attention so you get lots of people complaining about how the movies are overrun by them. So I was curious if it was the same in the theater world. I don't follow theater so the only shows I ever hear about are the

The general election debates are an even bigger waste of time. Who’s really torn between the Republican and Democratic nominees? They’re essentially about seeing who can pwn the other.

Are there elitist Broadway musical purists that constantly complain about this trend of adapting Hollywood films?

Normally, I’m not one to point out typos, but you misspelled Latveria. Yes, Doom is a benevolent leader, and I would never suggest he’d be so cruel to harshly punish someone for such a little mistake. But yeah, you’re totally boned if he ever gets a Kinja account.