Velvet Al

Is the Yahoo! channel still around to pick it up?

If Cheers and Seinfeld came on the air today, they probably would get cancelled halfway through their first season. Not that this show really had the potential to be the next Cheers or Seinfeld, but it seems like network shows don’t really get time to develop anymore.

At first, I thought the headline was “Neil Patrick Harris might jack it to The Matrix 4.” That would’ve been a much more interesting story.

It’s a shame, but unfortunately he’s still viewed as a novelty act, which is somewhat absurd. What novelty act has that kind of longevity. Plus he's had a Top 40 hit in the 80s, 90s, 2000s and 2010s. The only other artists to achieve that feat are Michael Jackson, Madonna and U2. And let's not forget that Weird Al

recognitions was born woke.

Would "Endgame" getting a Best Picture nomination really be that awkward though? Remember, a movie only needs to be as good as "Crash" to qualify. And I'm pretty sure at this point they just randomly draw names from a hat to round out the nominations. That's the only explanation I can give for "Bohemian Rhapsody."

90% of the videos on Pornhub involve fucking your family and Joker cosplay porn is what disturbs you?

Not only is it 64 pages, there’s only 50 different words used. (It was written on a bet.) There’s going to be a lot of padding in this show.

I didn’t like “Blockers” as much as I thought I would but it is a good example of it being possible to make a raunchy comedy without falling back on lazy offensive tropes.

If Led Zeppelin started today, they'd be stealing hip hop beats instead of blues licks.

I apologise in advance if someone else made this point to you the last time you asked.

But they’re both minorities. Minority man/white woman and possibly minority top/white bottom are the only kinds of interracial relationships that unnerve racists.

After reading this article, it's occurred to me that I don't know if I've ever seen a TV ad for Netflix, other than during commercials for phone companies offering a free Netflix subscription. I see TV ads for Hulu all the time... while watching shows on Hulu.

Don’t you know you’re supposed to fall in line on 100% of the situations with no regards to nuance? I got called an incel last week for saying, “Marky Mark did not get a bonus for the “All The Money In The World” reshoots. He asked for more money, while Michelle Williams did not. There’s plenty of real examples of the

During Stefani’s first season on “The Voice,” there was a contestant who told a story about how music was the main thing keeping him going after his father died on Father’s Day. Stefani responded with something like, “I completely relate. A lot of Tragic Kingdom was about working through tragedy.” My eyes rolled so

None of them were born after 9/11, though, and I think that was their point.

Is he still renovating houses for the Amish?

I think they’ve had a falling out after every time they worked on a movie together. I blame the lack of beef jerky rider in Anderson's contract.

What was Jeff Anderson holding out for? $65 a day and all the beef jerky he can eat?

It's ok to defend Adam Sandler. Who among us wouldn't be willing to take massive amounts of money for minimal effort? It's the people who actually watch his movies, thus enabling more of them to be made, who should be hated on.