Velvet Al

You have no idea how often I "casually" drop that fact into everyday conversation.

Is it just me or does a 13 page denial letter seem excessive? Granted, I have no experience in having to deny a sexual assault, but I would think it'd be an area you want to be succinct in. Was the letter an in depth point by point rebuttal? Did it feature extensive bios on everyone involved? Was it written in 20

I googled “Was Jesus a pederast?” and apparently, there’s a number of theories that Christ enjoyed children a little too much.

ALL costumes? Even my “Macho Man” Randy Savage costume?

Wait a minute, that article doesn’t mention anything about having threeways with George Lucas’ wife.

Hell, the CGI in Terminator 2 and the original Jurassic Park still look good. It’s an art form and Lucas was more interested in showing he could make an all CGI movie than in showing why he should make an all CGI movie.


My point is that from an in-game point of view, there should no mystery as to whether or not the rope was the weapon used. Either he was strangled or not (and the assumption is that only one weapon was used). So the characters would know from the onset if the rope was the murder weapon. If he was bludgeoned to death,

I've never been a huge Matrix fan so it doesn't bother me, but is anyone concerned about the fact that only one Wachowski is on board? Has a reason been given for why Lilly isn't involved?

Something I had never thought about before this year, but now I can't stop thinking about it because it makes no sense. In the world of the game, why is the rope a possible weapon? Wouldn't it be obvious whether or not Mr Boddy had been strangled or hanged? A gunshot or a knife wound would also be obvious but at least

I was going to address that then cut it because I felt I couldn’t quite get the wording out. Yeah, he wasn’t actually influenced by the Joker, but the media played it up so much in the initial coverage, that’s the perception so it would still be a factor in how the theater felt about showing a Joker movie.

Well, looking back at it now in context, I misinterpreted what you were saying, so we both fell a little short in what we were saying, but I completely agree with your point.

While it’s not explicitly expressed, I feel part of the issue is that the shooting had happened during a Batman movie, and the shooter referred to himself as the Joker when talking to the police. So a Joker movie playing there feels classless at best.

And again you’re reading what you want to read in my comments. It’s my fault for not being clearer, so let me clarify.

My problem is in calling his reshoot pay a “bonus.” It sets up the narrative as “Studio gives Marky Mark a lot of money because he’s a man and low balls Michelle Williams because she’s a woman.” And I don’t think that’s the case. Let me be perfectly clear. I’m only referring to the reshoot. And I’m only arguing why he

I find it odd that I never hear anyone say "Why do they keep adapting books? Can't screenwriters come up with original ideas?" When you really stop to think about it, what's the difference between adapting a previous story from a different medium and adapting a previous story from the same medium?

From what I understand (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), her contract included reshoots and his didn't. So she might not have been free to negotiate like he did. So a good argument could be made in regards to a male actor being able to get a better contract than his female costar in the first place. But

I’m sorry. Where in my comment did I say I didn’t think equal pay should be the standard? Or do you assume that if someone doesn’t fall in line on every single instance, they must be the enemy? Like I said, there’s real examples of the gender wage gap. Hell, the discrepancy between their salaries on the actual shoot

Can we stop saying Marky Mark got a "bonus" for the reshoots? He asked for more money, she didn't. There's plenty of real examples of the gender wage gap. This and Gal Gadot being paid $700k for the first Wonder Woman are not examples of it, though.

“the dick the butter rode in on”