
said it before, will say it again. the repeating worlds thing took less than an hour a piece, you had the ship, you were leveled up so the guardians were a cakewalk after one or 2 go rounds., there was no reason to “play through 90% of the game” yes it was awkward, but its overblown.

Just noting something here. Considering if they put him up in a nice hotel, likely by the Anaheim Stadium and pay for cross country airfair, and let’s assume since they’re VIPing him they first class his trip? That’s a compensation of 5-10K alone. On top of all that loot. Which is NOT a bad return for being lucky

Blizzard gave this man a pathetic pittance for something that was never his, priceless to the culture of gaming and not his. And now they are going to lock it in a vault where it will be safe or destroy it (lol), robbing future generations of a historical artifact and piece of video game culture that dont belong to

Nice! Everybody go play Nier Automata right now! It’s a masterpiece.

Arn, I’ve been coming to Kotaku for about 10 or so years now (back when Crecente and Bashcraft had their sign off / sign on posts, and Fahey did his Science Tuesdays), and I just wanted to say that especially in the past year or two, you’ve become one of my favorite people on Kotaku Kinja. Almost always when I see you

Gita, thank you for this--and particularly for taking the time to collect opinions from the broader fanbase.

I personally find what Jontron had to say during the “debate” (if such it can be called with a straight face) absolutely repugnant, on both a (personal) moral level, and as someone who is reasonably well-versed

Tales of Berseria. I’m really enjoying it so far, which is kind of surprising considering how un-fun most of the recent Tales games have been for me.

Spending some time with those two new Nintendo-mobile games, Pokemon Duels and Fire Emblem Heroes. They’re both that same sort of F2P gatchapon style thing, so I’m sure I’ll probably bounce off ‘em pretty quick. Hate hitting paywalls just to progress in a game.

Rocky Helmet + Rest

People complain as usual about not enough launch titles, yet if Nintendo did that, then there would be even less titles for the rest of the year and people would complain about that. I think the lineup looks decent through the year. I’ll take:

Compared to the Wii U, or even the Wii (iirc), this schedule is pretty great - two triple A titles in launch window (Zelda, Splatoon), a third triple A title for holiday (Mario), and a few surprises (Xenoblade 2, Arms), and that’s all just first party. That is potentially the strongest ‘launch window’ (term stretched

“I actually thought it was fine, but I don’t know what people were realistically expecting.”

“I suppose you could go all Judgy McJudgerson on TaZzeRK for doing nothing but play a video game for six months,”

We have one here in Canada. Trade in a Ps4 console for 210 as a move up program to the Pro.

Root letter.

I get between 6 and 7 hours every night during the week, and don’t feel particularly sleepy or anything. Weekends I usually try to play catch-up and get around 9-10 hours per night.

My students quote this all the time. They’re 5, so things are funny to them 10,000 times a day (the man rule) and for no shorter than 3 months.

Looking forward to the return of Gilmore Girls. My wife and I have been going through the entire series again, which if probably our sixth time through the whole thing (not counting just watching random episodes).

Let’s all calm down and take a deep breath. This could be an amazing 20 minute NX trailer that reveals everything we want to see, but it could also be a 20 second teaser that shows off the real reveal which will take place at a later date. I don’t need the internet flipping out again because they expected too much.

Oh are we talking about Berserk again?