
Then pokemon started making new pokemon to appeal to girl gamers

The only time gender bothers me in Pokemon is when I name one and I find out later what gender it was.

Last thing we want is a racist Oculus Rift. It goes on our fucking face.

I think that saying you’re still too busy playing to write a proper review is ones of the best reviews a game could ever hope for.

“targeting a product line he founded”

I understand why it's underrated. A second player should be able to control the dog and the weapon skill system is plain stupid. But the atmosphere, art direction and writing are just brilliant.

- I generally don’t like Western RPGs.

Parasite Eve is one of my favorite games of all time.

Right there with you man. My favorite villain of all time. People seem to forget he intentionally wanted to keep you alive and let you get stronger and stronger. He could have killed us at any second he desired it, but saw greater potential in us, the army of the Horde and Alliance, than any of the other minions he

The funny thing is, we’re going right back to Wrath’s method of revealing a new part of the world with Legion. The Broken Isles were always there, always accessible, we just didn’t feel like going.

Stop using retarded as a word for something stupid

Sweet, time to replay the only gamecube game that matters.

Geist >:D

There is definitely going to be a Spla2oon in under a year, likely a NX launch title. So yeah. Man buns.

You do realize that Blizzard as a independent entity ceased to exist in 1994 when they were acquired by Davidson and Associates?

This country is supposed to take over the world and they cant even come up with their own video game ideas.


I’m a fucking box junkie now. My cousins GF plays and had like 7 unopened boxes and I started scratchin like Tyrone Biggums...

Overwatch with my friends and Tales of Zestiria on PS4 (thank you, Mike Fahey).

Overwatch because I need more boxes

Yup. You won’t use it at all but suddenly there will be that one moment when clock says it’s 3AM and that option could save you one more boss battle ;)