Ol' QWERTY Bastard (Mother Pence's 2nd Cardigan)

Oh no no no. He’s so deep in the closet he’s having lunch with Aslan right now.

I guess reading IS fundamental!

What if he’s not gay and was driven mad by everyone calling him gay. What if this is all my fault

Right? Our buddy Jim here is gayer than a Judy Garland singalong.

Ha ha ha nice try dude I can see the gay in your eyes.

Blackest movie ever?!?!!!!! Why don’t you just ease on up outta here wit that nonsense.

It’s now 2017.

“It’s entirely due to taxation”

Oh yeah, there are some white people in the movie too,

Don’t forget Sessions.

The Mueller train left right on time

Except when the terrorist was white, because saying Radical Christian Terrorist is verboten.

You take your plea-bargain

My name is Clovis

Alleged traces of narcotics.

You know why

You literally could not have said that better. Because when the Constitution was written, it literally applied only to people who looked, thought, and acted like the original authors.

It’s always judicial activism when fundies are frothing at the mouth at their hate mongering being legally overruled. The Constitution only applies to people who look, think, and act just like them. 

My apologies in advance for the caps

I love Bob.
I just love Bob.
I want to grab him by the cheeks and make cooing noises at him.