Ol' QWERTY Bastard (Mother Pence's 2nd Cardigan)

Paul Manacles sounds like the absolute worst Bond villain.

She refused one million dollars...

It’s almost as though these owners see their teams as the modern day plantations and their players the modern day cotton pickers. What a surprise!

Wow, it’s almost like the protests, like the national anthem itself, have nothing to do with the troops and everything to do with the dehumanization of black people. Who knew!

So... She shouldn’t try to be better, do better, know better? Ok.

Fuck Steve King, fuck the GOP, fuck everyone. You’re not “pro-life”, you’re “pro-forced birth”. You don’t care about the welfare of the mother during or after pregnancy, you don’t care about the fetus during pregnancy or the baby after pregnancy - you just want to make people give birth against their will.

I had my abortion at 6 weeks. I took a pregnancy test about 2 weeks before when I thought my period was late and it came back negative. The only reason I took another test was because I know my body and I knew something was off. Plus, I’m a hypochondriac. So technically, at the time of my abortion, my period was only

Republicans have only read the the 2nd amendment. To be fair, they can’t even read that correctly.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”

I don’t actually have an issue with Christian Conservatives arguing that marriage is only between a man and a woman. But I think if they are going to be arguing that then they should also be pushing for the government to remove all laws related to marriage in any way as they all violate the First Amendment.

I have my keys on this keychain:

im big enough to not worry much... but as mace isnt legal here my daughter has a small rattlecan of metalic red paint in her purse... just in case

Can I recommend a sword inside the cane?

I get viscerally disgusted just looking at his anus-like mouth flap around.


I’m an itchy person, and I’ve always been prone to getting unexplained itchy bumps etc. A year and a half out from my bedbug experience, I’m still half-convinced every itch is a harbinger that they’re back and I have to go through that hell again. Even better, as I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten much-more-visible “eye

Yeah, the whole heroin addict-rock star thing works out fine for their audiences, not so much for their kids. I imagine she had to do a lot of work to come to grips with his “legendary awesomeness” vs. her childhood’s reality. I say this as a huge Nirvana fan and as an addiction therapist.

I think she does - but I also think its probably hard to think he was also a drug addict and committed suicide. I mean his awesomeness was driven by a much darker side sadly.

Christ, people, leave that poor family alone. They’ve had more than enough of your psycho batshit for the past 20 years.