
Not sure if I loved to hate his character or Rosetti's more but they were both the best villains in my opinion! I think Narcisse deserved to die last season though (or at least near the beginning of this season) and by Chalky's hand.

I'm starting to feel like his foster mother Julia maybe sent him to Atlantic City to live as they were too poor and told him about Nucky (and maybe GIllian too)? Hence why he was so enamoured by Nucky all the time. Not clear if she mentioned Nucky was the indirect cause of Richard's death though (and Jimmy's too, of

He died exactly how Narcisse died. I dunno why they don't just shoot them in the face the first time. Dodgy choice of goons I guess.

I wonder too, but then I remember she just watched Grey's Anatomy all the fucking time. Some people are easily pleased (or not, evidently).

He was there all along. Pretty sure this show had a pretty good Tits-to-non-Tits ratio for something that isn't Game Of Thrones, True Blood or just straight up porn.

The last part made me laugh, but if there are so many people put off by the contemporary theme music PLEASE don't watch Soderbergh's The Knick.

Can't. Stop. Laughing.

I kinda got the impression Luciano didn't want to kill him as he felt a bit sorry for him as he was basically retired. So in all likelihood didn't even bother.

Haha I didn't even realise that, I thought by 'our friend' he still meant Nucky (hence the two guys at the end staring at him).

I was wondering why he was written into the script so often. I was thinking "why does this kid deserve any particular attention from Nucky?" but never put two and two together.

Exactly! Didn't actually realise it was 7 years later…thought it was a few but not a whole 7 (obviously wasn't paying attention). So when there was that reveal it was more of an 'oh, of course!' than an 'OMG WHAT!'

I think maybe people prefer the brash Italian gangsters rather than the conservative Irish ones. I'm reading these comments and finding that most people are in agreement with me - the series was very good, but not excellent. Sometimes I wanted entire characters or subplots to die, or for the focus to be more on people

And it turns out Nucky Thompson is Dexter's biological grandfather, explaining the COMPELLING ending to that show.

When I was first watching Boardwalk Empire, I kept telling people the stuff happening in Chicago was arguably more exciting than Atlantic City…I would be there for a spinoff - and it would mean characters from Boardwalk Empire could cameo. Perhaps like how they're doing Better Call Saul?

Make that two shows where Michael K Williams dies for no reason. Get this man a main role, stat!

Nah it was quite interesting and would deserve a rewatch. I do think it was a mistake to do the 'newspaper season' at the end though when it clearly would have fit better somewhere in the middle. Definitely didn't order the series that well, but overall it's still a better show than Boardwalk Empire was.

Speaking of which, now this is over I'm off to continue with Treme (Season 2)! Wooooo!

I admit I teared up a bit. I don't think Boardwalk Empire's made me do that before!


Agreed - Combo actually puts me off watching that film again, because racism really pisses me off and you can just see what a corrupting influence he is in a culture that is embracing race (ska and two-tone in the Midlands). I haven't seen This Is England '86 or '88…thinking I should watch them. My favourite Shane