
Best First Feature at LFF this year went to a Ukrainian film called The Tribe which features a largely deaf cast…

I saw The Car recently and really, really liked it! I'd have to see Duel and Christine now. Also I would love to see Repulsion (and The Tenant…almost bought the DVD the other day but stupidly put it down) as I'm a Polanski fan. Some great suggestions here. Trying to convince my friend to see The Babadook and know that

THIS TOO. Thanks for reminding me. I kept thinking "WHY AREN'T THEY WEARING MASKS?! OR GOGGLES?! SOMETHING?!" but then in the back of my mind I kept remembering this show is really, really, really daft.

Okay, I've not commented for a while and now the season's over I think I'll say a few things on my mind…

I kinda wish he was drunk more often. He might make better decisions. If not, he'd basically be a poor man's McNulty.

Completely forgot about that guy! Yeah I was expecting him to be on it. Instead we are stuck with Eph.

No she already had the gauze, she just didn't know what to do with it and/or what it was for.

Yeah and he's made a joyous mess of being in charge apparently. Unless their plan was also to let everyone loot freely in daylight and by night let vampires rampantly gorge on anyone they ran into.

Snape kills Dumbledore

Like Snake in Treehouse of Horror

Kinda…but still got that Spielberg-child-actor-vibe a little. He's very sheltered for a modern kid. Guess that's middle class only child syndrome for ya.

Google, esé

My notes:
- Okay so this episode has set up the 'vindictive ex-wife' scenario perfectly hehe
- Despite the painful irony, somebody should ban anyone from saying the word 'bloody' on this show, ESPECIALLY characters with an English accent (you know who I'm talking about)
- Is it just me or every time they cut after a

Fet and Setrakian, and to some extent Gus (I just wanna see how far he gets). I have a feeling at least two of those will be dead by the season finale…

It's okay, he was just a 'guest' in her house remember. Just a bit rude he left without saying bye.

That was bugging me too. How long is this total eclipse thing lasting?! It's ridiculous!

Unless he becomes a vampire

I'd have just been like "yeah, gonna go find the old ex, take care of the kid" and gone to a motel in the middle of nowhere and yeah…you know the rest

He stuck his worm in the other one's wound *waheeeeey*

Setrakian in Vienam too, in full Platoon mode