
I'm starting to think It's Always Sunny In Vampire-Infested Philadelphia would have been a more worthwhile venture for Del Toro…but I'm still gonna watch this trash 'til they kill off all the best characters.

Yeah but they got drunk and had too much 'fun' with the silicone machine

Idk, his fingers look like guindillas

Reverse Matryoshka Doll Syndrome (aka RMDS)?

"I see dead people. But they're alive and their tongues look a bit like something we got shown in sex ed"

Don't fail me now, Captain Spinoff

"I know you're not my wife but you will have to do"

The only reason I enjoy this show and don't enjoy The Walking Dead is because I have no idea what the character is going to say or do next. I also want to see actors from other things I like murder or be murdered by vampires with xenomorph-like/Dreamcatcher-shitworm tongues.

Who answers "yes, it's yours by the way"

CSI: Transylvania

She shut down the whole internet guys

Wish they'd used Ron Perlman lolz

The kid is a classic Spielberg menace. I wish someone would round them all up and make them develop actual unique characteristics rather than just "stare into said adult's eyes and garble the exposition-y dialogue at them"

Yeh kinda a blend of Schreck, Kinski, and 80's/90's cartoon live-action movie adaptation (take your pick)

And the drinky tears: "oh god I've got to look at his face again and not laugh"

Ease off, ese

Whilst they're doing it, awkwardly mind

Dutch is the worst character. As an Englishman myself, her accent is terrible…like soap opera terrible. At one point she said "bloody bastards" or something to that effect and I heard a nation cringe.

Despite coming in contact with more than one vampire in more than one area of the city…

Doesn't wanna get in any further trubs