
I rarely share with anyone who hasn't already shared their mental health history with me or otherwise demonstrated (over months or years of knowing them) that they're trustworthy and capable of getting it. It's not worth being treated like I'm a pariah or made of glass, depending.

They're both great cities but Portland is far, far cheaper to live in.

Ugh, pretty people disgust me.

When I was a kid, I had some problems. I was mad, I was sad, and I ran away from home when I was about nine. It wasn't all that serious, think the plot to Inside Out, but my mom gave up on me and sent me to a group home. My grandparents scrambled to take me in and raised me for the next six years of my life, and they

I dated a dude who never wanted to use the word "rape" when talking about his blackmail/similar nonconsent fantasies because it turned him off and made him feel like a monster (even though he of course knew what he was fantasizing about was 100% unacceptable in real life). For me, that distinction genuinely frightened

Makes sense to me. What inhabits the weird nexus between scary and hot for you guys? Mine's kind of innocuous, so I don't mind sharing.

I decided I couldn't "know" for sure until I slept with a woman, so I joined some gay social groups on the downlow and started volunteering doing anti-homophobia workshops on the up and up. I was probably more embarrassed about joining groups to meet people and get laid than I was about the whole gay thing. My family

I couldn't have a gun in the house, at all, full stop, because of a personal and family history of mental illness. I'm always surprised that's not a more common situation since there are more gun suicides than accidents and homicides combined, although I guess it's not something most people would advertise.

I'll call it Groucho because none of my target market would want to belong to a dating site that would have them as a member.

I had my first job when I was fourteen. I had just broken up with my first boyfriend, missed sex and didn't know how to get it, and was working for student minimum wage (lower than regular!).

Oh I'm glad you're getting back to it! I just got in from a meh date myself, my first first-date in a long while. It's not a fun experience.

Thanks! Phew, I hope I do ok in there. I'm a taxiable distance if I decide I'm not up for the subway, thankfully. My menstrual cycles are weirdly irregular, often six weeks apart, and crampy but not debilitating. My doctor asked me about that and said I sounded like a good candidate, so fingers crossed.

I hadn't! There's more truth in that than I'd like to admit.

Thank you for the dose of calmness! My FWB offered to drive me and hang out afterwards, but that felt to relationshippy so I think I'll be burying myself under a pile of books and blankets. Thanks to your advice I'm making sure not to schedule anything unskippable for that day or the next.

I'm Canadian and work for myself, so the doctor is free but the IUD is full (government) price. I think $60 for copper vs $400 for hormonal? I should really go get a grownup job with benefits soon anyways, so if I can't deal with the heavier periods I'll look into Skyla then. Thank you!

I'm working on a tech startup and it turns out the showers of money are greatly exaggerated.

I've got a 38 year old friend who is constantly complaining about the many women he dates off Tinder, so you're probably fine. Plus, it's a really small barrier to entry. Slap up a couple of pics, add a tweet's worth of text, and thumb through a couple hundred pictures of ladies in ten minutes while you're listening

Honestly, this is bar none the most difficult part of working from home for me. Difficult bug to track down? Better take an hour long masturbation break.

I brought a selection of condoms over for a guy I'm sleeping with because he sometimes has cock strangulation/abrasion problems and is reasonably well-endowed. The wider condoms seem to work better for him but he refuses to start buying them because he would feel like an implicitly bragging douchebag. End condom

Oh god, I'm getting an IUD put in this Monday. TELL ME IT'S GOING TO BE OK. I'm getting the copper one because I'm cheap and because with my depression problems I don't want to play the is-this-me-or-is-this-the-hormones game. A woman I'm dating had an awful experience with one and I'm freaking out on the anecdata.