
I know where mine come from. All my sexual fantasies for a long time (even, confusingly, long after I started getting laid) were bound up in fear of the people I was attracted to and "but you can't do this for real because you're not worth loving" because of crippling low self esteem and depression. Sounds like TINY

I went out with a guy recently who writes smut for a living, including a whole novel of clown porn! I am in awe. I have, thus far, managed to resist buying a copy.

I've accepted random ride offers a few times when my gut said it was a genuine offer and those went well, mostly when it was an actual blizzard out or when I had a huge backpack. But I also used to hitchhike, which gives me a helpful combination of experience judging the motives of strangers and disregard for my own

I exchanged a couple messages with a dude on okcupid a few months back, they were a little dry and he didn't respond to my last one. I came across his secondary BDSM-focused profile that links to his regular one, and I'm kind of in the mood for a low-pressure, low-romance type of thing. Would it be weird/creepy of me

As someone who hates selfies, I can confirm this works and goes so much faster than it sounds. The tough part is swallowing your pride while you sift through to find the one photo where you don't look like you have the mumps.

The nice thing about it is everyone on Tinder shares that same horrible shame. If you and another person start talking, it's because you both might want something from each other. It's tough to stay embarrassed in such good company.

I think a single light, low-expectations text is fine. Think "How's it going?" not "HAS YOUR FROZEN HEART THAWED"

Don't read Guts by Chuck Palahniuk.

Every time I see a fire in a fireplace, I freeze up thinking of this short scene from Gremlins. So far I've never roasted any person or animal stuck in the flue.

This is silly. The last bald guy I slept with was a nebbish vanilla dude who gave great head, completely not a daddy or hyper masculine type. The last super small and short guy I slept with had a bit of a traditional gentlemanly masculine thing going on. The last very big and tall guy I slept with cried his eyes out

Pick me up at the corner of Fucking, Wolfing, and Fucking.

In my experience the separation is largely so that the bride or groom can make a bunch of jokes about how anxious they are about getting married to their friends without freaking out their soon to be spouse. It's the symbolic last night of your single life as in "holy shit I'm really doing this, here goes!" rather

It's probably largely because of how you answered questions about jealousy and non-monogamy (and because you're "looking for" people who are single and non-single). There are a LOT of those questions and a lot of people rank hardline monogamous answers as high importance. I got kind of tired of dating super-poly

Your dick isn't a moral compass. Stop that.

Thanks! I'm in Ontario, and it looks like the lowest priced online ones are the same price as in pharmacies. American sites are quoting $150-900 which is madness. I'm pretty sketched out by the cost because my shrink originally recommended lamotrigine which is a completely different class of drug and dramatically

I'm on month two of Latuda, which is an atyical anti-psychotic like Seroquel for depression associated with bipolar. I tried Wellbutrin in the past and didn't find it to have much effect (although my partner at the time thought it did). They're shockingly effective for physical symptoms with none of the easing up of

What about the women who are into the arrangement too? A girl I know was explaining that she's allowed to sleep with other women but her straight boyfriend is not, and she's into it because "otherwise I would be missing out on this side of my sexuality". The arrangements (and similar ones where the straight dude does

I dated a woman who thought I should be fine with her getting drunk and making out with our mutual male friends because "I'm a lesbian! It's just for fun, it's not like I'm going to fall for them!"