
My regular hookup is texting me right now about how he could only sit through half of Primer last night and how it's bullshit that they intentionally held back information instead of, I guess, having Star Wars style scrolling exposition up front. So, that, I guess.

I got to be friends with a guy in highschool, mixed up our social groups, and wound up dating him for a year. Eight months or so after we broke up, I got together with a guy who I'd originally met because they'd been tight friends since a fistfight in the first grade. I was young and stupid and in love so I didn't let

Shit all over me and my problems? Have you been reading my dream journal?

Waaaay ahead of you, buddy.

Fair enough! I'm a woman, for what it's worth, and I disagree that "tired" is a reasonable justification for calling someone a misogynist. I also don't know how anyone will be able get along in the world without being able to say "I like thing x" without doing exhaustive background research into how it might offend

Interesting, thanks! I'm not sure I agree that it's bad to say "I like these actors" without cross-referencing for anything possibly problematic, and while slamming an individual performing artist's appearance is bitchy I wouldn't describe it as misogynistic by a long shot. Would you be willing to explain a little?

I think you're discussing the most intelligent and reasonable instances of this sort of thing when the people complaining about it (in leftwing/queer/activisty circles) are actually complaining about the people who are saying things that pattern-match to your examples but are much more wrongheaded.

I don't know, I think medical transitioning hits a couple of interesting social notes right now, and while Caitlyn Jenner's life is certainly none of my business, it can be interesting to discuss.

Even split INTP/INFP here. I recently fell in with a crowd who takes that sort of thing kind of seriously, and I find it a little strange. It's basically a test of self-perception that's followed on with a bunch of pseudo-Jungian astrology-level claptrap when you get your results.

If you don't want to go the surgical route, use lots more lube and go slowly to begin. But in case it wasn't clear, frenulectomy was a legitimate answer, it's a fairly common and simple procedure:…

I'm into some of the same things and for me it's closely linked to social anxiety — it can be thrilling to take a scary experience like social humiliation and yoke it to your libido. If you can't abide people who are assholes *out* of the sack, you're in pretty good shape to have healthy relationships with doms

I used to have sex sometimes with people I liked and enjoyed touching, but who didn't give me that "twinges in my loins and a burning awareness of their proximity" feeling. It turns out I'm just the sort of person who likes to please and who's ok with nudity and enjoys cuddling and touch with friends and people I

Yay! Just never, under any circumstances, fail to promptly wash it out. If I'm hooking up with a guy I want the only stinking vial of day-old jizz in the room to be me.

What are you worried about? Are you worried because of anything specific?

"Come quickly" as in "come in ways other than masturbation or 30+ minutes of concentrated thrusting in one particular unchanging position." I'm female myself, so this post was referencing partners, but I also value being able to get off in a reasonable amount of time in multiple positions and situations, it makes sex

2: I'm not sure how bad your death grip syndrome is but if you can get off in a vagina you can almost certainly get off in a fleshlight. My ex cured his by switching to a fleshlight for masturbation for a few months and varying his technique on masturbation after that initial, er, hump. A couple of friends I suggested

Meetups are definitely your best bet, but if you're looking to date AND make friends, OkCupid is, well, ok. I have several friends who either contacted me on a strictly platonic basis from the get go or where we stayed friends after dating didn't work out. Your mileage may vary, I happen to be in a big city and enjoy

Dear Diary,

Is that a thing? I slept with a guy who got off twice in a minute or so and he said it was the first time it'd happened to him, and he was in his thirties. If there's some way to banish the refractory period, I need to know about it.

So Californication?