
Speak for yourselves, a forearm across the throat from behind is my jam. If you're uncomfortable with initiating it, ask her to verbally ask you to choke her, or to physically place your hand on her throat when she wants you to do it. You can also set up a pretty good non-verbal cue by gently touching and stroking her

No worries! I think that's less a queer thing and more just a friendship-orientation thing. I've known queer people with all/mostly opposite-sex friends or only straight same-sex friends, although that becomes drastically less common as folks get older.

FWIW, I'm on OKCupid looking for dates but with "if you want to be pals, too" in my description, and a few people have taken me up on it. I was initially worried that it'd be people trying to cheat but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Too late for me, I'm afraid. Save yourselves.

Big Shiny Tunes 2, people. Third best-selling album in Canada of 1990-2010. You got your Bram Van 3000, your Smash Mouth, truly the sun will never set over MuchMusic legally-mandated 1/3 Canadian Content compilations.

Wait, I think I missed the fact that it was life-sized the first time through. Like a perfect Sears-ready Jesus mannequin hanging bleeding from the cross? That's incredible.

Yup. To be honest I've taken to emphasizing my relationships with men in straight company and my relationships with women in gay company to combat that. It's weird to have to "pass" as gay/straight, and I'm not great at it. I still get asked "no, really, are you actually gay?" by girls I'm in the midst of trying to

Christ, I'm sorry to hear that. Few of us know what's up as teenagers, and pressure to fit to a label inevitably leads to situations like yours. I've always liked the idea of treating sexuality as something we do, not something we are. I may be a drinker, a pinko, and a sodomite, but those aren't fundamental and

Ultrasounds, random groping, and a biopsy, although I did get a general blood panel with my yearly checkup. They seemed not to think it was hormonal specifically because it was only on one side. There was a bit of a communications breakdown between offices when my GP seemed to think it was far more serious than the

Yeah, I felt like it was important to choose adjectives carefully to help you all fully experience the creeping, horrified disgust I feel at this whole situation.

Too gross for here is a high bar to clear, well done.

I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.

Exactly, although that does happen on occasion it's definitely not the norm. And then on the other side, how sure am I that I'm guessing correctly about their level of enthusiasm? I know I've been pegged as being head over heels in love when I'm more at the "casual interest" stage before. I guess it's best not to mess

Dear Savage Dik,

My last fling made sure I'd seen When Harry Met Sally and then insisted he had an early squash game every time. It seemed like an elegant solution to the breakfast problem.

I don't know, there's something to be said for having such a good relationship with your folks that a night out with them is a perfectly fine evening and not a carnival of horrors.

Ooh, ooh, me! Over here!

> Very few women are turned on by that.

Dear SavageDikKing and Assembled Rabble,