Winston Grant

They seem nice.

That’s the thing - their guy could be the worst person in the world, but at least they’re not a Democrat that’s going to raise their taxes.

I live in Oklahoma and work with people that are exactly what you’d expect. Evangelical, gun worshiping, racist shitheels. I was having a “discusion” with one of our more rural employees about Trump’s behavior toward McCain. I told him that in my retired military mind, what Trump (5 time draft dodger) has said about

I literally went through this with my dad. He is a Vietnam vet and since he worked in aerospace his entire career, actually became good friends with several of his coworkers who were POW residents in the Hanoi Hilton. When challenged as to why he is supporting a guy who is attacking vets in a war, and to boot, that he

Thinking back about McCain’s legacy, accurate or not, made me realize that he was probably the only popular Republican in the country right now. Trump is attacking him because that’s what strong-man tyrants do when they take over—they tear down the old symbols and figures and replace them with their own brand. Trump

And yet veteran after veteran lines up behind this cretin.  smh

When Trump went after McCain like that, it was pretty soon after he’d announced. I remember thinking at the time, “welp, that’s it for him then.” In ‘08, an early Dem contender (Wesley Clark, I think?) went after McCain as well and basically ended their candidacy by doing so, because the media and republicans piled on

To be fair, the extreme right has always hated McCain. The difference now is that their takeover of the Republican Party is complete.

They are too busy infecting the courts with conservative judges to care how embarrassing he is.

Any time they've had a chance to show integrity and sacrifice a little bit of potential power for a greater cause, they've folded like a cheap suit, because they have no principles and only desire power.

You see Republicans squirm now, and it’s just pathetic. When they backed Trump, this is what they signed on for in general, observing his complete disregard for basic human decency, or even pretending to care about basic human decency. On top of that, this is what they specifically signed on for, too - Trump

Yeah, it’s more obvious than ever that the GOP will throw anyone or anything under the bus in order to win.

In hindsight it’s pretty clear that Trump’s 2015 “I like people who don’t get caught” comment about McCain was a watershed moment for the GOP. Until that point, Trump had of course said a lot of horrible and stupid things, but he hadn’t really attacked and disgraced anything that the GOP held as absolute sacrosanct.

Yes, having worked for Marvel if it wasn’t in compliance they would not have moved so quickly to correct it. 


I work in the industry and if she was on the poster her name should have been included - that’s not her agent’s fault that the marketing department at Marvel. That’s why they swiftly corrected their mistake.

Thank you for calling out the bullshit without giving them the satisfaction of being ungreyed.
I love you for that.

“Is it because of Trump?”

Marvel, give us the name of who intentionally omitted her name, thinking that would fly in the Land of NEVER! Danai is a goddamn National Treasure!