
“Ever since, I’ve been a lot more mindful in my interactions with pretty much everyone.”

I was born in 1972 and was 20 when I stupidly cast my first presidential vote for Ross Perot, but your preening condescension is noted. Thanks for that. “The political climate of the time” is the coward’s excuse for doing shitty, cynical things to remain in power. “I did it but I didn’t really mean it.” Here’s a list

This is hitting me hard this morning and I’m still trying to come to grips. I’m currently doing the work to try to get a handle on my depression and it’s so fucking hard. And it’s expensive and time consuming and draining! But I’m hoping there is light on the other side. But when I hear about Anthony and Kate Spade,

An imbalance of power has nothing to do with virginity, it has everything to do with the positions of power (or lack of power) that both parties hold in the workplace. He was literally the most powerful man in the world and she was an intern, it’s not a equitable sexual relationship.

I give a flying fuck not only because it’s the epitome of sexist double standards but also because when we ignore men like Clinton, we pave the way for men like Trump and then we wonder how we got here.

It all matters. All of it. A president who won’t speak out about another president and his horrible behavior matters. A president who doesn’t feel that what he did to women matters, because it allows shit like what is happening in our country to happen. It starts with getting away with calling women and people of

I’m shocked at the tone of this article. Just because it’s a conservative group doesn’t mean that they couldn’t be right on this one thing.

They banned him from a club because people complained about his behaviour. They have no business doing a criminal investigation. They’re a comedy club, what kind of investigation do you expect them to do?

Redefining my first sexual relationship as not only abusive, but also as traumatic was really useful for me because it let me accept that bad things were done to me and it wasn’t (just) that I was crazy. Before I acknowledged any of that, I was becoming ever more self destructive because I couldn’t figure out why I

People who have experienced trauma tend to have the symptoms of trauma regardless of if they decide to categorize the experience as traumatic. For example, the number of women who actually call their rape “rape” is quite small compared to the number that report an incident that qualifies as rape. But categorizing the

did you watch the scene in full at all, or just the gif?

This is actually a really incredibly good example of atrocious parenting. Brady uses physical intimacy as a bargaining tool, despite the fact that his son is super-duper against the idea of kissing his dad on the lips.

It doesn’t really matter if it’s legally a crime (many countries have vastly different definitions of what breaks the line between legality and illegality) but in terms of the definition of terms like sexual assault he’s way over the line of that. It’s telling in his responses and his supporters that they don’t want

We’re looking to define Ansari’s behavior in concrete terms: rape, sexual harassment, groping, blackmail, etc. The problem is his behavior lies in limbo between a specific crime and accepted social behavior.

She believe the victim and acted *so* accordingly that she potentially derailed the young woman’s career even though she’d done nothing wrong, and continued to receive daily bible quotes from the woman’s assailant.

Thank you. That piece sparked more discussion among my social group than anything Jezebel has written on the topic. My first reaction was to resist Grace’s claim of sexual assault, which made me feel internally conflicted. But after sitting with my discomfort, I realized my initial reaction was due to Ansari’s

Agree. This is a guy who literally wrote the book on things like body language and dating in the modern world and is a feminist who respects women and yet “misinterpreted” a woman’s feelings and literal words coming out of her damn mouth to the point that she felt coerced and traumatized.

I too, am disappointed. The Aziz Ansari case is a great opportunity to discuss the commonplace and insidious consequences when both men and women are not taught properly about consent. Men are taught to accept everything except an outright “No” as an invitation to continue. And even an outright “No” means “Not right

Do you know who does stuff like this? Who ignores communication from their partner, going ahead with whatever they want to do sexually, while always making sure to stay on the legal side of things? PREDATORS. It is not the men who care deeply about making sure their partners want to be there and are comfortable but

Would it have been better if they just published rumors that just happened to be true? They published a women’s account of being pressured into a sexual interaction she wasn’t comfortable with, and one in which the man repeatedly ignored her cues that she was uncomfortable. That’s newsworthy.

I am a black woman, but FUCK NATE PARKER and all rapists like him. He would not expect others to overlook it if a white racist man raped him and then made a wonderful movie about Malcolm X. If he had shown one iota of compassion for this woman — ah fuck it I would still hate his guts.