
Not too scary per se, but I was a little kid at the time of this and didn’t really get scared at all around the time. Shoot -I used to make my way to the outhouse at night if I needed to, even though the house I lived in was in a small opening in the middle of rolling wooded hills.

There’s been a bunch of replies already & I’m in the greys so this will probably be buried but I’ve thought about writing this since we moved so here we go.

some handful of years ago I was in Colorado visiting my brother and his now-ex gf with my sister. one afternoon after snowshoeing, my sister and the now-ex gf decided to take a walk through the lobby of the extremely haunted Hotel Colorado in Glenwood Springs. We walked around as the now-ex gf was telling us stories

My mom died of a terminal disease a few years ago and in the following week I stayed with my dad and siblings to process everything.

Her testimony that it happened is evidence. Also, multiple people have corroborated her story. There is absolutely no evidence that “the alleged incident couldn’t have or didn’t take place” (????).

I mean, I guess I’d lean more to the side of “Biden lost all credibility after seeing videos of him groping literally dozens of women.” but go off.

Remember how much of the left/center-left treated Monica Lewinsky in the late 90's? And how everyone rallied to defend the creep who was absolutely in the wrong just because he was also the victim of right-wing smears?

Like Dr. Ford should have come forward before the Supreme Court nomination? Sometimes that's the way it works. You just want to live like it didn't happen until the stakes get too high and you feel like you have to step up.

Which would be easier to discuss if so many of them weren’t deleting their old Kavanaugh tweets en masse...

Should these accusations be treated in a measured way? Yes.

Whatever it takes to convince yourself, I guess.

Biden is a known sex pest who has no problem treating women like shit (just ask Anita Hill). I think it's extremely likely the accusations are true.

. She’s not interviewing the accuser, social scientists, or commentators on gender hierarchy in the USA.

Because the principles Sanders fights for are also being fought in the Democratic primary by ______________

When a person does something like this to somebody else in public like that, it’s an implicit assertion to everyone who sees it and to the person they’re doing it to: “Look at what I can do to embarrass you. Look at how I can get others to laugh at you by humiliating you. Look at how I can control how others see you

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

The fact that he lawyered up instead of just apologizing really says a lot.

“Tommy is a loving husband and father.”

I would recommend Richard D Wolff’s work and Noam Chomsky. Check out Michael Brook’s channel on Youtube. Yanis Varoufakis’ A Brief history of Capitalism and Ha-Joon Chang’s 23 Things about Capitalism are must reads; I would suggest using the library or a local bookstore rather than Amazon if you can.