Ahhhh seriously?! Okay, I totally understand if you want preserve your anonymity, but also TELL ME EVERYTHING I WANT TO KNOOOOW. :)
Ahhhh seriously?! Okay, I totally understand if you want preserve your anonymity, but also TELL ME EVERYTHING I WANT TO KNOOOOW. :)
Morris House, on Green Street!
Yep! That’s the one :)
Ha, me too. One day I hope I’ll get answers...
Thanks - it is...weirdly reassuring to see that other people found it creepy too.
I did, actually! At the time, I was involved in a project on the history of the college. I never found anything in the archives about a tragic death though. Of course, that might not be the kind of thing they wanted to keep track of.
Thank you! I am too. :P
Okay – so this all happened when I was in college, between 2006 and 2010. I went to a women’s college that didn’t have dorms, but houses – buildings you usually stayed in for all four years. The houses were generally old (built in the 1800s), and mine in particular hadn’t been updated recently: the architecture was…
I think its victim blamey-ness depends on whether you do the screaming before or after the young women are assaulted. Advising someone ahead time seems protective to me, while telling them “they should have known better” after the fact would just be place the blame for the assault on the victim.
At what point, though, is it ok to simply shrug our shoulders and say, “told ya so”...?
That is a matter of opinion, not fact. DADT provided an official rule for throwing gays out of the military; it meant higher-ups no longer had to find other reasons to toss you out - they just had to prove you weren’t straight. I had friends and family whose lives and careers were ruined by DADT. It was especially…
Active steps? Premeditation? You make her sound like a criminal. If anyone should be on trial here, it’s Bill Clinton. He was a much older man in a position of authority, not a helpless victim. If Lewinsky had come into his office naked and thrown herself into his arms, he still had the ability and responsibility to…
“Moves the truth in a different direction” is the best euphemism for lying I’ve ever heard.
Hey, there’s no need to insult salamanders by comparing them to Cillizza. One of them is a slimy, toxic, thin-skinned, opportunistic bottom-dweller. The other’s just an amphibian.
It must be so difficult to be dealing with triggered PTSD while in the middle of an already-stressful book tour. I am glad Union has a good support system in place for taking care of herself through that. Also, she seems like an incredibly generous person, to be helping others in this way when it takes such a…
Maybe being in a good place now is the reason it’s on your mind? Like, perhaps this is the kind of safe environment you need to begin processing what happened. When you weren’t in a good place, there wasn’t time/energy to handle it.
I don’t know - with a good lawyer, she might be able to get whatever she wants. I mean, she probably knows all about (and has evidence of) Trump’s illegal dealings. The possibility of her talking to the FBI might be enough to make Trump throw out the pre-nup.
Well, kissing between parents and kids *shouldn’t* be sexual, but sometimes, parents are predators. And when you see parents behaving in ways that could be read as sexual, I think it’s normal for other people to be concerned for the kids.
“For all our strides toward empathy and defeating existing power structures, when it comes to pop culture figures, we continue to prioritize appearance over the content of character. Skinny, in this case, has trumped child endangerment.”
I think it’s worth pointing out that Franken did have a chance to mount a defense – he just chose not to. Instead, he resigned before having an Ethics Committee hearing. He wasn’t voted out of office by the other Democratic senators: he chose to leave.