
All the reponses here make me so sad that I apparently joined long past the prime era for Gameological.
Even this era has been special to me though. I rather enjoyed the late Friday commenter leaderboards and article roundup. And really, the WAYPTW threads have been the catalyst for me really getting into games in

The inventory slot issue is also my main problem with Slime Rancher! That, and the fact that jumbo slimes, and hence tarrs, form way too easily. It feels like exploring is restricted because you have to keep returning home to drop off anything you've found.

Not really been able to focus on one game for a while. Played a bit of Bastion. It's quite good, though I am terrible at it. Enjoying the aesthetics of it a lot. But I haven't picked it up again yet - I did the exact same with that other indie darling from around the same time, Braid. Played it for an hour or so,

In unrelated to games news, I just recently realized that cool-looking dinosaur models are still a thing (in fact they look even cooler now). And since I am now a responsible adult with disposable income, nobody can stop me from impulse buying a bunch of them.

I think I've mentioned before my abandonment of The Beginner's Guide fairly early in due to panic. It doesn't really fit the definition of trippy, but I definitely found it disorienting. Because of the premise of going through all these small test games, I could never get a handle on the rules of the space I was

Not much this week. Tried Sam & Max Hit The Road - quite like the little I've played of it (apart from the random minigame, how do I escape it!). Find the voice acting enjoyable rather than annoying like in Day of the Tentacle (which I've still not finished).

Don't forget the mocap! As you might expect from something with Serkis involved, the mocap is stellar. And I rather like all the strangeness sprinkled throughout. I found that game through Let's Plays, and it's great seeing them react to the "hidden collectible" bits.

How will this affect existing comments sections? I assume that the ordering and lack of proper nested threads will override how things are on Disqus. Will there be any way to access the original Disqus versions of threads or will they be destroyed?

I'm with you on that. The "security cam of a police interview" mode seemed like it was going for realism, as well as the acting at the start. But the final interview really felt wrong to me. The acting and story became far less naturalistic, and I couldn't reconcile those with the earlier interviews.

Yeah, I keep doing that with used games! Saw a copy of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door at a market stall once, didn't buy it. Saw a used copy of Pokemon Soul Silver in GAME for £35, balked at the price. This time last year I spent £60 for the very same.
Well, the Nintendo Gamecube, Wii, GBA and DS libraries are so

I actually found the Dad's stuggles as a writer to be one of the more interesting bits. One particular part I'll remember is right after you find Dad's porn stash, and Katie thinks, "Gross, Dad" or something. Then you turn around and see a bunch of copies of his book, and read the back. Then I went "ohhh, Daaaad". In

Wait, you got it with Wind Waker? I thought it had a demo of Wind Waker on it? One that was busted and constantly read your input as running directly forwards all the time…

Nice, was just watching that the other day! I rather like the "textbook" conceit. It could be kinda dry, but it's interesting instead.

Mine must be the Zelda: Collector's Edition disc for Gamecube. Had no idea it was supposed to be hard to find until recently. Came with Double Dash when I bought the Gamecube, apparently in the US you got it a different way, maybe that's why it was considered to be so rare.

Personally I'm waiting on Rime! And it's a long shot but I'd love Forma.8 to come to the Switch too…

hey, so I've kept forgetting to grab my Switch friend code. Probably in a different timezone to most of you but nvm: SW-6138-4602-3615

Here is a dark secret of mine… despite my avatar, I have never actually finished Okami. I can never focus on console games the way I do on portable ones.

I agree with this very much. I much prefer when plots have some grounding to them. Since games have to make up their setting entirely, they always seem to end up going over the top, since 'why not'?

Yeah, I feel the same way. But it's true of Viva Pinata, MySims, even Animal Crossing. The point is to have a nice ranch/garden/town. After that, it's just pottering round with various degrees of interestingness.

First of all, I got my PS4 set up the previous weekend, and played a bit of Horizon: Zero Dawn. Not much - just got past the kid-Aloy section - but I enjoyed the start well enough, and I'm certainly intrigued to play more. Being exclusively a Nintendo gamer up til now, I am very unused to the amount of detail in the