
Absolutely this. The main reason I haven't put much time into it is because I want it to still feel special when I do play it.

I was so happy when I realized I had to write things down to work out a puzzle. Probably a hint of nostalgia from poring over puzzle magazines when I was a kid!

There's a new Prof Layton thinger? I was gonna express surprise at my not knowing, but I kinda fell out with the series after Miracle Mask. Is it a proper full-length one or a mobile game or wwhatever they were doing? Also I friggin love when puzzles get put in real-life places. Crosses over to ARG at that point,

I read recently that was actually a bug and not intentional. Though maybe they could have said that to save face…

I've not had much time for games this week. Too busy moving into my new flat. I only just set up my desktop PC last night and did a wee bit of Pictopix. Hopefully this weekend I can finally get my new PS4 set up and play some Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Something low-focus, like breeding or training Pokemon. I feel like anything which requires more effort deserves better than me playing it on the bus.

Like, most games? I never got on with Final Fantasy, but I love the music. Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze seems to be a difficult platformer, which I would completely suck at. But it has an incredible soundtrack.
Many NES and SNES games which are before my time have amazing soundtracks. Like, who wants to play the Silver

There's a big sale THE VERY WEEKEND I'm going to be setting up my new PS4? Maybe something will drag me away from Zelda after all!

This week I've been mostly playing buy all the things for your new flat. It seems simple, but actually hides surprising complexity if you look under the surface. I'd say my score is about average. I can find pretty good items for cheap, but lack the organisation and planning skills to really make the strategy work.

UK MK tourney! Let's make it happen!

Mmmm, Raspberry Pi! Got anything interesting planned with it? I seemed to remember it being reasonably easy, but then I only did a 1 or 2-hour lesson involving it, so that was probably the basics of the basics.

My fave summer games are:
from deep in my childhood, Animal Crossing (the Gamecube one). Why go outside in real life when you can go outside in a game, and the music is weird cat sounds?
from last year and maybe this one, Pokemon Go. Why stay inside when it's nice out? You can go for a walk and not look at how nice it

The store description has charmed me! But, uh, 450MB install? Yikes!

I would like to chime in to say that your pluralization of "Final Fantasy" is absolutely correct.

I LOVE thinking about what crazy older games would be like if they were re-imagined today! Since older technologies were so restrictive, there had to be some real creativity when pushing at the boundaries of what was possible. In general, I don't end up playing those "interesting, but flawed" games, but they're very

Good luck with watercolour painting! I love watercolours (though only after going to a few proper classes), but I haven't had enough space to do them at home. It's really great once you get past the mushing-up-the-paper stage and start working out the right techniques to use to get things onto paper.

I wouldn't think BOTW is too difficult - if something is vexing you, you can skip it! Or just do everything else first until you're tough enough to take it. It might be difficult if you simply have to complete everything as soon as you find it.

Gaming this week has been almost entirely Breath of the Wild. My skills at combat still suck. Despite the increased damage, I still charge in and mash attack with no strategy, hoping to kill it before I run out of fairies. Really need to incorporate dodging and blocking into my fighting.

Never played Crash, but there's a great retrospective on it here:
I mean it's mostly interesting from a technical perspective, but there's also interesting anecdotes about presenting it at E3 and translating it to Japan. Also interesting for the two main guys' differing opinions of Mario 64.

I dunno, that music kinda freaks me out because of the damn "follow the Korok" quest. Gives me flashbacks to the frustration. Also the dark shrine quest… this game has some doozies