
Yeah, the most noticeable tracks are either friendly ones due to being near civilization, or really scary cause you're about to get your face blasted with a laser.

The Prince of Persia Sands of Time run was great - the run was eventful, the runner was lovely, and Uyama who started the whole GDQ thing off in the first place was on the commentators' couch. I've not caught as much as I'd like because work and sleep, but I still got to watch some good stuff and make a few donations.

Whistling makes the platform rise? Now that is a cool discovery!
What I like about the platforms is that you really have to experiment and consider the landscape if you want to get on top of them. I like it so much that I'm thinking of holding off on Revali's Gale because that would make things too easy.

Agreed on how quiet the game is. Really enhances how isolated the vast majority of Hyrule feels. Of course, it's not quite silence. There's always some atmospheric noise, so you really feel like you're out in nature. What music there is (that's not a leitmotif ie Guardian piano, Hyrule Castle) is unobtrusive and

Just want to mention that text parsers aren't dead, they're just… not commercially a thing anymore.
Don't you think it's fun sometimes to be surprised by what you can do? That happens a lot in IF since you have the whole language to play with.
There's a great moment in Photopia for example.

Well, guess who's also been playing Breath of the Wild. I finally started that second playthrough I've been meaning to for a while - in Master Mode! This may in fact be the first time I've played the hard mode of any game. And it's kicking my arse! Though things are starting to pick up a little - the bonus weapons in

I'm gonna replay - in my enthusiasm for the game I ended up getting burnt out towards the end, and I'd like to play again at a more leisurely pace, and also remember that perfect guard/dodge exists.

When they said endless, they really meant it.

It happens! Nice to take a break sometimes as well.

REPOSTED FOR DOCTUAR, DOCTUAR wrote this. he keeps being flagged as spam :(
Having pretty much finished Breath of the Wild and not really being interested in any other Switch games at the moment (*glances awkwardly at copy of Mario Kart*) I decided to treat myself to a piece of shit.

I could try reposting it for you in case it's just mad at you?

Huh. I can't reply to that first one at least. Perhaps it's just me.

Your Ghost Recon thing is showing for me? Twice, even.

Took me over half your comment before I realised you weren't talking about Holopoint!

Hmm, well from the screenshots it looks like the art has got a lot more polished since then. Though it still has that sort of "naive" style I guess.
I guess if the writing didn't click with you then it maybe won't work out - the writing in Sea worked for me, but I would agree that it's idiosyncratic. The same sense of

I've not tried the free games, but I got along with this just fine. What was the problem with the older ones? This one uses a fairly standard point and click type interface, but with directional arrows on screen to click. The first area of the game is a little confusing but after leaving it moving around is easier to

Awesome as usual!
You should try The Sea Will Claim Everything. I think you would like it. It made me think similar thoughts.

So last weekend I packed away my games PC for 3 weeks, so I can't get back to Future Unfolding for a while. Last I left it, I had been transported to an entirely different map, with seemingly no way to return to the first map. The game really tells you nothing about how to play it, and the lore the characters give you

Hehe, problem is, I own half those on PC already! And if things are on Switch I'll be getting them there because ~portable~. That said, I may actually play some of the games if I get them on console.

I was really hoping for a WiiU port for Okami, but it never happened. The WiiU would have been perfect.
The Switch doesn't fit quite as well but would still be amazing. Someone make it happen pleaaase.