
Missed last week, oops! I’ve been playing Heat Signature almost exclusively since its release. I’m really enjoying it, however, I’m finding I prefer playing the “defector missions” (repeatable missions with a fixed inventory) to the main game, though I also think that’s partly my fault - I’m very cautious with my

Whoa, good job I actually checked in on the thread this week! At last, a discussion game I can actually comment on!

Been playing quite a lot of games recently. Got West of Loathing and enjoyed it a great deal. Just crossed the mountains, and the difficulty is starting to pick up. What a fun game - loads of options in every situation, and the combat I’m finding pretty solid as well.

I was having a similar yet slightly different problem, where no-one was responding to my obvious openers for starting a who’s-on-first routine.

Gotta say, the “unwinnable boss battle” is one of my least favourite things in games, for exactly the reasons mentioned both above and below.

That horse escort quest really was the worst. Agreed on the horse controls. And that’s a real shame about not saving. I hope you can get past it, because IIRC that is just before you start getting to the main dungeons of the game, which are excellent. I should pick that game up again myself. Another cool thing added

The rumours only say PS$ and Xbone? Awww, I want to see it on Nintendo platforms again. Though perhaps the moment has passed, since the perfect console for Okami, the WiiU, is now dead. Not that I would object to seeing it on the Switch at all.

Are you playing master mode? Apparently the guardian laser timings are slightly randomized in that version, which might explain your difficulties.

This week I’ve actually finished several games!

Yeah, I ended up switching to the desktop version of the site so I could do the “bold titles” thing.

On desktop there is a little icon in the tops right which expands to show bold etc. I think you can use regular Html tags as well?

Yaaay, you made it! Happy to see you took the plunge into Kinja-infested waters with us!

This week, I have pretty much just been playing demos of Switch games. First of all, thank goodness for the Switch’s region-free capabilities! I created a seperate Nintendo account set to Japan, and BOOM Japanese eshop!

I accidentally stumbled upon an old games crit blog the other day ( The archives begin in August of 2007... just before Bioshock, Mario Galaxy, and many others. Since I am fairly new to PC gaming, I had assumed that the influential Bioshock came out way before

The actual first I heard of it was in an Oancitizen video introducing a month of reviewing Shakespeare adaptations. He used some clips and recommended the show, so I was interested - then I looked for more info and found the AV Club reviews!
I really want to rewatch it now. I've not watched it for several years,

The actual first I heard of it was in an Oancitizen video introducing a month of reviewing Shakespeare adaptations. He used some clips and recommended the show, so I was interested - then I looked for more info and found the AV Club reviews!
I really want to rewatch it now. I've not watched it for several years,

I would have heard of Slings and Arrows but probably never watched it. The Gameological discussions here have managed to get me really into videogames again.

I would have heard of Slings and Arrows but probably never watched it. The Gameological discussions here have managed to get me really into videogames again.


Ahh, 4 players sitting next to each other, having a great time. The multiplayer dream. My Monster Hunter version of that dream is especially doomed.