
The Hexcells games are totally worth the buy! At any price :p

I've never played Tropical Freeze (and given its difficulty, I probably never will) but I know it has some of the best music in all videogames. Hopefully those atmospheric tunes will help you stay calm as the difficulty increases.

That sounds like the perfect atmosphere for a final battle! Imagine if there was a power surge when you got to the final stage of the battle!
Also, sweet, more MonHun players :D imo 4U is the best one so enjoy! If you wanna multiplayer I think there's enough in Gameological for a full party :)

Bought Future Unfolding and Everything in the GOG sale. Both a bit cryptic and philosophical, both full of stuff to explore. I really want to get back to Future Unfolding while I still remember something about its landscapes and interactions. Wheras Everything I feel like I could tune in and chill out at any time. I

One time I decided to replay a game I'd already played. But this time, I wouldn't talk to everyone and I'd just do the required events to continue. I ended up talking to everyone anyway.

I haven't mentioned any cool game music for a while, though I've plenty to mention now. The obvious choice would be Mario Odyssey's theme, but I've actually been listening most to the super relevant and current School Days from Persona 1 PSP. Very catchy.
Any cool music from one of the many recently released games? Or

What game was that?

What's your personal fave *Cells game, Duwease? Or a full ranking even? Hexcells Infinite is still top puzzler for me. Not sure if Crosscells goes at the bottom or Squarecells, since I've entirely forgotten Squarecells.

Or the Doctor Who theme!

The comments here have been really important to me. The idea's thrown me into a bit of a tizzy haha

This totally sucks… Looks like all the export options are admin-only and probably don't work for large sites. Maybe I can try and throw something together to try and export selected comment threads somehow, though I only really know how to program apps, not desktop programs…

Wait, the AVC is what????

Don't neglect time trials as a way of learning - both driving, to practice the tracks better, and looking up good times to see how they drive. Though you won't be able to drive like that in real races, watching what vehicles they use and when they corner can be informative.
Edit: not that you're required to use the

Well, after several weeks of me whining about Crosscells, I finally completed it. I even actually enjoyed puzzling through the last few levels! So I thought that since there was stuff it took me a long time to figure out, I might enjoy playing through again with that knowledge. But as soon as the puzzles got difficult

Don't feel bad about it! I get the impression that fans of the game will be really happy to talk about it any time you get round to it.

Sure, it'll get you past the puzzle, but it just doesn't feel right y'know?
Actually, I totally did that with Hexcells until I read a walkthrough and realized that no guessing had to be involved. Glad you found a way to play, anyway!

Oh that's neat. But I just open an unsolved one, realize I basically have to solve the whole thing before I can click anything, then quit :/

Gyro control for bows is so good in Zelda! I also found it super satisfying in Twilight Princess HD. Makes you feel more of a badass than just moving the thumbstick.

That may have had something to do with my choice, yes :p
I'll probably post there when I'm out of the mortuary.
Also i wanna get in on the Switch fc sharing! Do hope someone is in the same timezone as me…