
Did that with the first Professor Layton game, and with Hexcells. I guess I just like storming through a bunch of puzzles I've already done. Except Hexcells is still a challenge second time round.
Considered it with Breath of the Wild, but I was too burnt out on it by the end that that would have been a bad idea.

Well, turns out yesterday was the day I finally started playing Planescape Torment. After hearing everyone mention it last week, I bought the enhanced edition (despite owning the regular one already) and fired it up. I'm not yet out of the mortuary (in fact I haven't a clue what I should be doing to leave), but I

Oh. I guess it must be all those fancy graphics then. Digitized faces and such.

Oh, I was hoping to dodge this part lol, my memory is atrocious … Also depends on your favoured genre. Well recently I played "140", which is a neat rhythm-based platformer. Not ambitious, but the levels and gameplay being synced up with the music is pretty satisfying and fun.
I think the game that really strongly

Only one! I got careless with poison and chip damage, then healed at the wrong time. Rip me. Had some close moments after that because I didn't want to waste a max potion on a stupid Iodrome.

I don't think it's an age thing, necessarily. Maybe try some weirder, smaller games that are more likely to surprise you or something?

Doesn't Quantum Break also have a whole TV show in it? I guess that would bump up the file size quite a bit.

That is really sweet about learning to read with King's Quest. :)
Whoever says videogames are bad for kids?

Last Friday, the guy who made the amazing Hexcells released Crosscells, so I eagerly dived in to check it out. Unfortunately, the post-Hexcells games seem to be getting further and further from what I enjoyed in Hexcells - slowly working your way through a massive game board, with each cell you open up telling you

I noodle around with some Japanese-style (Picross, Slitherlink etc) puzzles whenever my brain needs a break. At one point I got a bit addicted and would force myself to play one of each kind until I won before I could go to bed, but I caught myself and I don't play in that obsessive way anymore.

I had totally forgotten those skills I was taught at the beginning of the game, so I had about half an hour's frustratedly trying stuff and then eventually cheesing it with Divine Beast skills.They really should have provided some other options for people who didn't beat the dungeons and have bad memory/bad timing.

The store I went to for mine was out of stock of regular Zelda, but they had the Special Edition. So now I own a big dumb plastic sword in a rock. (The US special edition seemed way better)

I actually think it may be to do with things like screen size and graphics quality. I've found that playing a game on my Macbook is fine, but playing the same game on my monitor makes me ill. I also find detail confuses my eyes when turning the view. Also, games seem to like putting fancy motion blur effects in

Oh nooo, another sufferer of Witness Sickness
The beauty of the island works against it, since I'm reluctant to do stuff that might help, like playing the game in a smaller window. I don't understand how there can be so much clear care and attention put into the game, but not a single thought about motion sickness.

I guess another example of that would be Final Fantasy 13-2. And in TV Tropes parlance, it would be "Earn Your Bad Ending".

For every awesome dungeon, there is an equal and opposite terrible minigame gimmick quest.
okay maybe not equal. Those dungeons are pretty good.

How did you get round to playing Nazo no Murasamejo? I only know it from having the most amazing music in Smash Bros. I assume you're emulating or something?

Yep, I'm a coward, so half my fights involve sniping from afar, or hiding above and dropping bombs.
Seems like you're a lot better with your choices than myself and a lot of others, who saw a big centaur beastie and thought they could take him.

I was kinda interested in The Fidelio Incident. But I think The Stanley Parable might have ruined all Stanleys in games for me forever. I just won't be able to take things seriously.

So glad to hear it's enjoyable! Always need more chill explorey games in my life, especially Wind Waker inspired ones. And it'll be great to play on Switch too.