
I'm not totally sure what you mean by what's under that spoiler - I don't think I'll be able to figure it out. I can make a guess based on what's actually possible, but I don't really see why it would be the case. How did you come to a conclusion for that?

Yeah, I guess the writing was pulled between being a realistic police interview and having a 'standard detective plot'. And it would be great to see that level of nonlinearity. Though it does seem like it would be difficult to remove it from the concept of exploring an archive.

I have actually completed a game this week, albeit that it took me just 2 and a half hours to feel I'd completed it, so of course the massive long games are still waiting for me to play them.

There doesn't seem to be a WAYPTW thread, so I'll post here. I've been mostly playing Pokemon Moon and Monster Hunter Generations. I'm working my way towards a viable team for the Battle Tree in Pokemon. Which means Wonder Trading all the Pokemon I've bred which aren't good enough to keep breeding with. And I often

Does Subnautica still have a "peaceful mode" option to turn off the survival bits? Because it really seems like that would be the closest to Endless Ocean that's come out recently.

At the moment I'm just learning. My housemate told me there's a game jam in late January some people locally are doing, so basically I want to try that. I'm not doing the free tutorials on the site, I'm using one I bought from Udemy. It's more programming-focused, which is much more my style. It starts with making a

If it helps, I was actually surprised when I learnt the narrator was Danny Wallace. So maybe you won't notice?

Well, in about 5 or so hours I will be heading off to my parents', meaning my gaming options lose my PC and Wii, and gain my WiiU. In the 5 hours I'm hoping to complete the section of the Unity tutorial I started on my PC, then I can start the next section on my Mac while I'm away.

Birdland is unrelated to Hatoful Boyfriend, though I guess the main characters would be girls of roughly the same age?

Finally getting into PC Gaming is sort of like being buried in an avalanche of "new to me"s. It's both awesome and intimidating to have most of the best games of the past few decades waiting for me to start them.

Cat Girl also has the amazing Virt soundtrack every Wayforward game requires.
*goes off to listen to it right now*

Seconded on Birdland! The writing for that game was on-point - ridiculous and jokey, but still leads you to care about the characters. I need to go back and investigate some other choices. But then again, maybe that would spoil the magic. :)

Well, I talked plenty about The Witness yesterday. I know complaints about the list missing things are dumb and stupid, but its omission does make me very sad. :(

In retrospect, the name of the person I was replying to should have tipped me off.

I don't think I've ever heard of that game. It sounds pretty cool though. What platforms is it available on?

Generation's styles and arts are a great addition to the series! They freshen up familiar weapons and make unfamiliar ones more enticing.
Unfortunately, in my opinion the structure of the game is far less compelling for me. In both singleplayer and multiplayer I've not felt the same sense of progress as I did in MH4U.

I'm choosing my Game of the Year despite being nowhere near finishing it, and despite it making me motion sick. My favourite game of this year is The Witness, because of the synchronicity between the puzzles and the environment (and because the puzzles are just really damn good).
Most puzzle games (ones that are set

I think Pidove or Basculin are the least interesting for me. I had actually forgotten Basculin existed until I looked up the Gen V Pokemon just now.

Oh, I'd best head over to the final Final Fantasy review. Final Fantasy as a series is really interesting, and games with troubled development are especially interesting. But the time investment is so great I'd rather read about them or watch someone else play them. And reading everyone's experiences of this new one

Well, if it zapped out of my 3DS and into the real world, I guess that would be quite exciting. Or quite troubling, maybe.