
I'd still disagree with that - I love exploring in Proteus and Minecraft yet No Man's Sky couldn't hold my interest.

Furthermore, unless the procedural generation has been massively improved, exploring the environments is also of no interest (unlike Minecraft for example).

Well, last week I declared that 1) I was definitely going to try and finish off The Witness before Christmas and 2) that the motion sickness issues were pretty much overcome. Turns out I was wrong on both counts! I think I played for a bit longer this time, and had quite a few of those great eureka moments. But I

I quite liked some of the jokey options they gave you - in particular, with the Water Trial captain. She tells you the lake is home to the legendary Kyogre. Your options are [Wow!] or [Really?]. Not very inspiring, but choosing the bottom one has her comment on you not being fooled by her tall tales. Actually I don't

Those are some top-notch names! Though I see Vikavolt as being more a Seltas and Toucannon as more of a Quropeco (admittedly your name selection criteria seems slightly different to mine).

In the end I actually agree with some of the main complaints here. The thing that most bothered me was actually the whole "perpetual smile" thing. The game does a pretty good job of making you care about what's going on. Having a personal reason to want to take down the bad guy makes a real difference, and even for

Not got round to this yet - I found the second game frustrating at parts (some thing with farting space dugongs?)
But the "making of" sound video is magical. I'm very much in favour of variety in game soudtracks, including those in the "weird mouth noises" genre.
Amanita's soundtracks are also unusual in that the noise

Hopefully this game will be the one where you find one!

I don't think I can answer all of these just yet (that's for next week), but for me personally this has been the Year of PC Gaming.
I started with Proteus to help out with a bad Christmas last year. Most of the first half of the year was filled with me struggling to run games on my Macbook. Then towards the summer, a

The week for me has been entirely Pokemon Moon. I'm currently working on my Pokedex. While looking for a Sableye, I came across a shiny Diglett! So that was pretty great.
Unfortunately I've not been playing anything else. I started a new Unity course which I actually paid money for, but I'm currently no further than

Wow, this is very different to Eurogamer's review. Well, actually, not quite so different -just they considered the atmosphere and the monster good enough to outweigh all the flaws. Which honestly made me very tempted to immediately buy a PS4 and the game because they were so glowing about it. Strangely, given that

In short, increased FOV (definitely had an effect), added a crosshair (not sure if that did anything), and reduced my screen brightness by a lot (this seemed to do the trick)

Well, yet more articles and comments have piled up for me to catch up on when I get out of my AV Club slump. All these development hell releases finally coming out, it's like it's Christmas already. I think I'm more excited for the upcoming verdict on The Last Guardian though (despite not being able to play any of the

I tried a bunch of stuff before finding the problem I was having, which turned out to be partly monitor brightness and partly FOV.
The brightness is a shame because the vivid colours are very beautiful, but using my graphics card settings to decrease contrast and brightness seemed to have the most effect.
The FOV was

Oh God, there's an area that makes the characters move even slower?? Well, I suppose I'd best watch out for that if we ever get that far.

The Witness is the current discussion game?!? I better get back to it and finish it up now that I have fixed(?) The motion sickness issues I was having. Even though i've not finished it or played for months, it has to be one of my favourite games anyway.

What is that bug? In case I ever get back round to doing Divinity with my gaming buddy.

Week three of my not going on the AV Club apart from this. Even the Gameological stuff. Currently, it's because Pokemon Moon is meaning I'm not using my computer much. I think it's one of the best, perhaps even the best Pokemon game. There are problems of course - particularly with the way the game's plot is contained

Oh dear, I haven't been checking the AV Club for weeks really, so I didn't even notice this.
I have of course been playing Pokemon, but first, I finished Grow Home this week. It's really a lovely game. The writing and movement is charming, and it is so enjoyable to bounce/float/jetpack jump around that I didn't even

The Mysterious Murasame Castle remix and the Yokai Dochuki medley are some of my favourite tracks in all of game music