
Oh no, I've not only been too busy to play games much this week, I've also missed all the discussions. More to catch up on I guess!

Well, I haven't done too much gaming this week due to being fairly busy. What little I've done has been mostly going through Kanto in Pokemon Heartgold. After going through all the caves and routes, I went through the Gym Leaders one after the other, which was a lot of fun.
I can't wait for Pokemon Moon, but

I think my favourites might be Kalos, though I think that's due to Pokemon Amie letting me play with adorable Fennekin and get attached to it. I think my order of preference is almost exactly the same as yours!

Nintendo has become rather known for its use of sax lately - see Bowser's various themes in many games, Mount Wario, and many others.

Funnily enough, I'm listening to that soundtrack right now! In terms of the amount of quality tracks, Mario Kart 8 is hard to beat.

What game do I play when I want to calm down, to get away from it all? I play Proteus. That game just instantly makes me feel so much happier, with its immersive sounds and bright colours. Playing all the way through to winter is a nice measured comedown back to reality as well.

I pored over that datamined stuff like crazy when it came out, and aside from a few inevitable disappointments no Battle Frontier what the hell are those speed stats, I've come out the other side even more excited for the new games. In particular, something which I found out more about looking through the text dumps -

Try it! Unity is free, and from what I can tell right now the tutorials are clear and easy to follow, and everything is well-documented.

Interesting format idea. I suppose it's similar to episodic TV reviews. But I can see it providing a great way for readers and reviewers to chat with equal knowledge of the game and form their own opinions in parallel.

I love the little descriptions of the cups of coffee. "It's like my tastebuds are taking a vacation!" is a favourite from the Wild World days, long enough ago to be a reliable injoke in my family.

Sweet, someone else playing Small Radios Big Televisions! I agree that I've found the game relaxing or perhaps "hypnotic". Did you ever play the original demo version?

This week I've not played much. My gaming buddy has been on holiday, and I've not played The Witness or Grow Home in a while (I should get back to them. Perhaps this weekend). I did play some of a new release, Small Radios Big Televisions, which I'd been looking forward to ever since I played the demo (here: http://fir

It's high time I watched Slings and Arrows again.

Iirc, wasn't he very angry about people criticising Gods of Egypt? He seemed to care about it a fair bit. Though that can happen when the director realizes it's crap too.

Well, I never get to do Mario Kart 8 on the 8th because of timezones, but I think today calls for some distraction like Mario Kart: Double Dash on the 9th with my housemates… if I can manage to drag them away from Overwatch.

Aw man Matt please stay strong! Seeing you so down really worries me!
There are still so many good people out there who can make a difference. Okay, my attempt to cheer you up is somewhat incoherent but I have to try!

Not permanent! Just long enough for the entertainment industry to collapse, and for people to realize they might need those lefties after all.

I don't know if I'm even allowed to suggest stuff anymore, seeing as i'm not American. But why don't all the people in entertainment etc who are unhappy with the result just leave?
"No, you can't have movies and TV till you learn to behave!"
Need to do it quick though before Trump shuts them down one by one and they

Wait, there was an entire Gameological article I missed? Okay, it was about Westworld, which I'm not watching, but anything Gameological is worth checking out.

Eurogamer's Wesley Yin-Poole had a great article this week. Apparently, portraits of the rise and fall of once-great British game developers are now a series or something, since he wrote a detailed examination of the history of the Tomb Raider series:…
It's not quite as monumental, but it's