
If there’s any game in the series that really doesn’t need remake treatment, that’s the one. And honestly, I’d rather get a new entry with a stronger identity (ala RE7) than a souped up version of anything else. Of the three most recent Resident Evil games, that’s been by far the most interesting of the bunch.

CoFeFE Iron is on periodic table at 26 and has an electro count of 4 and 3.

Who woulda thunk that letting an idiotic conman in to the presidency would be a total disaster?

It really isn’t. Especially if your PC isn’t in a climate controlled room. It’s also a nice trade off in performance vs. air noise. It is also almost absolutely necessary in SFF builds which are gaining popularity lately.

I can hear the level’s music in my head. It wants to come out.

Stage 1, Streets of Rage 2.

You aren’t allowed to leave.  You just can’t.

Very glad to see that Tim Rogers’ response was an 8 minute rant defending Metroidvania

But we live in the world of alternative facts now, so yes cats can be bipedal.

You know what? I kinda like it.
It probably wont be great but Id be lying if I said it didnt bring a smile to my face. The tone of this trailer is a lot better. Like its from that tiny era inbetween classic goofy 90's cartoon sonic and more edgy adventure sonic with real people and guns.

I have a lore explainer on the way that will also help ease people into the world, while avoiding major spoilers.

It’s almost like—and brace yourself for this—a big new expansion just came out and the game just went free to play, making it one of the top games on Steam right now...

let the obvious jokes commence.

I’d honestly love to see an ex-pilot character with a wall run ability.

I honestly don’t understand how, every week, this feature has so much negativity and anger in the comments.

They need to make warlocks look like the Sith and it solves all problems. I present counter exhibit 1: the black armory sets

Huge loss... what a badass woman. Rest in peace, Jessi.