
Yeh doesn’t work that way. Specific teams are brought together for specific shows. You can’t just invent a new show whole cloth and shift everyone.

I mean, it’s still good that the entire production team doesn’t lose their job simply because Roiland is an asshole. They signed contracts for more seasons, so those people planned based on that.

Religious quote - check

“Behold, the Ninja Turtles from Injustice 2.”

I liked some comics and didn’t like other comics and I don’t understand why you don’t feature that one comic that hasn’t had updates in four years.

Same! I just got flashbacks to childhood and browsing the video store. Some of these covers, especially the Evil Dead 2 one for me, are so iconic!

I did the same exact thing as a kid. I was at my local video store doing two things: Playing Street Fighter 2/TMNT, and staring at all the box art in the Horror section. I miss those days.

Scrolling through those posters is like scrolling through my childhood, the parts spent at the video store. Enzio, you will be missed.

Ahhhhhhh... Late 90s Post-Prime DiC, such a treasure trove of ‘so-bad-it’s-good-and-in-twenty-years-you’ll-remember-it-nostalgically’ gems.

Now playing

If you want a good video on the subject:

He’s got that S that everyone would draw in school when they were bored on his shoulder

It is what it is...

this lands like a normal news post, a load of stuff in a single article, but every single tweet and mention in this post would have been its own news story if leaked individually.

It’s certainly nostalgic to see something that’s SO eerily similar to Halo:CE, and I think that’s cool, but man... That gameplay doesn’t even look half as fun as Destiny, or Titanfall 2, or Doom. If they’re trying to get back to a more simple, nuts and bolts combat system, I appreciate the gesture, and I hope I’m

Which is a shame. The Critic was criminally underrated. 

Is there ever going to be a point I can get back into Destiny without feeling like I’m being punished for not religiously playing, or should I just write that off?

What We Remake

From fan-made revamps like Black Mesa to the highest of AAA productions like Final Fantasy VII Remake, enhanced,