Microsoft delivered on, what? Almost all those games are available on other platforms. And XboX exclusives are few or none. Sony is actually delivering in that field.
Not to mention that Microsoft is making zero AAA SP, insteading focusing on (ugh) games as service...Sony is making many AAA SP
So, did Microsoft…
bland as the movie it is trying to emulate
too little, too late....I already sold by copy
Sims 5 - you will basically get a Sims, and buy all the rest in DLCs..
EA is shit from every angle
Can we get AAA SP Star Trek game, finally!?
lootcrates falling from the sky
Zack, could you make an article on The Expansion fan campaign...which is growing in numbers every day, and making some things (ok, making many things that can put SyFy official marketing to shame)
Like hiring the plane, or this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNjobkmzaOY&feature=share
Thank you for coverage...we need as much coverage as possible.
Am I the only one who is thinking that Delos should approach the android rebellion in a more serious way. a) get armored vehicles b) get some helmets to the troopers.
Seriously, half of the losses could be avoided by better planning
Call it Roci...it is only transponder signal change. It would be weird if they would call her it Pinus (or Contorta) later, when things settle down (as much stuff can settle down in this show) ;)
Another excellent episode. it is such a pity that so few people know about it. As for CGI, it is spectacular. Imagine what those visual effects people could do with Discovery, if they get a chance. The Expanse should be model for everyone...this is how you make the sci fi show
And the best is saved for the Summer - as Attack on Titan will be back, with the best season ever, if 24 episode rumors are true.
Mark my words
An excellent episode, which only continues to prove that The Expanse is currently the best sci fi on TV, and arguably one of best sci-fi ever. The excellent story, which works in both action moments, or in more contemplative setting, which was in this episode. The moral quandary, no real villain (except Errinwright…
Please, get well soon. Take time for your recovery. Everything else is less important.
wait, people are now building statues to Marvel movie?
ever heard about Schengen?
I know that Zach was doing it last year. But it almost did not happen... The Expanse is sadly not bringing clicks, and as such most of portals are avoiding it like a plague.
Which is embarassing, as this is one of best sci fi in last decade, if not longer..
Great, you finally mentioned The Expanse. Please do reviews this year. As this show badly needs more coverage.