
ok, but why would anyone nuke Montana? NYC, LA, and similar populated places...that I can understand. But Missoula, Hope County? WTF

the million dollar question? Are the eagles still dicks?

How classy of you. And mature, and professional... AV Club once mattered... now you are moving towards rock bottom.

Quantic Dreams games have issues, and they are far from perfect. But I still remember my dilemmas what to do with Ethan, and my anger and helplessness when I sent him in a pipe full of broken glass, and how I feared for Jodie and felt her shame on that damn birthday (yes, I burnt the house, bastards).

Cage might be a

This looks great. KCD may be the game we have all been waiting for, and original and refreshing game that will revolutionize industry. In few weeks pesky bugs will be removed, and then we can bask in its greatness.

Also, making Central Europe as a story place is an excellent choice, as 15th century Bohemia was a place

obviously, io9. No advertising, so no interest. Go back to write clickbait articles on PUBG, or Call of Duty.

This is indie game, so yes, it does have problems. It is not big studio behind them, and definitely not EA. And those guys are trying something rare, refine and refresh the genre. Also, they are working non

this was a great comment. Melania Trump seems to be victim here, and I would not be surprised if she is not blackmailed by Trump or his lawyers that they would take her son from her, if she asks for divorce.

She looks like a prisoner, and I feel pity for her.

Still much better, and much more objective than Trendacosta on io9

I had some hopes but after this article I am done with Bioware. Perhaps is best to leave them to fall, so that other studios and EA can learn a lesson.

Seriously. Bioware was, as the article rightly stated, famous for its great storytelling experience, as well for the character development. However, if they go Destiny

And this is kids...why next Star Wars will suck. Not to mention that everything JJ touches turns to shit. (Except Westworld, which he is producing too. But I suppose he does not have a lot to say there)

Battlefront 2 - well done

Just a small nitpick. Ackbar died on screen. He was one of those who were sucked in the vacuum of space when the bridge got hit.

As for the cantino part, I agree, it was too long. But it also gave us an interesting moral story about war profiteering, not to mention the concept that everyone can be the Jedi. Point that

Battlefront II continues to disappoint... which is nothing to be surprised of, as EA royally screwed with this one. :(

this is not hilarious. The very idea that someone would consider taking this on the plane is disturbing..

Now playing

and you forgot the biggest news. The little game called “The Ghosts of Tsushima”. From the makers of “Infamous” franchise, we are getting an open world single player game set in the... Feudal Japan! And it is only SP.
Sony is truly a bastion of quality gaming, and of SP gaming.

Batletoads...I hate those guys...

Of all pictures they went with umbrella one (?)

Instead of this one, or something similar...

it is a great game, gameplay is a bit weird, but Trico is one of rare characters you will remember in years to come.

it seems that there are some politicians who care... it helps being a fan.

Thank you Heather, for covering this game. It is a great fun indeed, especially when you get well organized and roleplay it. It is a miracle what a good officer and disciplined soldiers can do.

Holdfast is a great game, and definitely deserves more coverage!