
Point being its the same interface across all three and all three will keep you closely connected. People already know the classic version anyways, metro on ARM and desktop is pretty much the same thing.

There's apparently going to be 3 more Nikon DSLRs announced this year, one of them could be a D400, hope still yet.

inventing? Your grammar doesn't give you much credibility anyway.

Not bad, might need some different shapes of the "blur mask tool" in order to cope with different environments. Pretty cool but I still hate faking depth of field.

I doubt you're holding an ipad in one hand for reading, unless you have the endurance of superman. Odds are it'll be on your lap, or somewhere on supported on your stomach while in bed. 16:9 would allow for like real book in where you can see both sides of the page as well.

I'm not sure which I dislike more, seeing all the article leading up to each new apple product launch, or the numerous ones after.

Ok... My points still stand :/

That's insane. I wish I had money for the D4, but the D800 has been ordered.

They should install an exhaust at the end just for giggles lol

Thanks for repeating what I said. And I did say the people behind the idea are arrestable, which is what just happened.

"You'll never catch us!"

All the world. This ain't WWII, we don't need to spend so much on military research nor the products. There are better benefits to be had.

To me, it just seems to make more sense not putting so much money and manpower behind ever-deadlier weapons of all sorts, and instead focus on curing/helping/education people instead of y'know...killing them.

Give me the job, I'll edit the video better and get some more shots.

For all you know, he didn't. And what prior to his death would lead you to believe that?

*At high prices and ultimate control

Well apart from one being deceased...

He did it first.

Just look at the difference between Bill G. and Steve J.