
On cheat day you get an extra 400 calories, 24 g of fat and a family homicide of your choice.

Why does this need to be private? I wish that I had known that it was so common when I miscarried, saying that we should wait or that it’s private or shouldn’t be talked about it why so many people end up blindsided when it happens.

For us, any temp under 70 degrees is boot weather :)

Being an entrepreneur can be very empowering for women and an economic landscape which better supports that avenue for earning is empowering for women. But that does not translate into the merchandise she sells being empowering itself, which is what this article suggests. It’s the act of being a business owner, making

Goddammit, now I have to fortify my uranium refining centrifuge plant. Mondays are the fucking worst.

In some areas they could be controlled via aggressive Trap-Neuter-Return and requiring people to get their domestic cats fixed. Hopefully fear of this program will convince people to stop letting their cats outdoors.

It’s meeeeee! Posting from a Burner. My ghost lives on and has a lot to say about pop culture, apparently.

Volumes will be written about the violent struggle and the price paid for dissent

I just starred like forty each of Alconleigh’s and MissAndry’s posts, so I hope not.

As a result of the Great War, are commenters limited on starring? Is this part of Reconstruction or a New Deal?

Okay can someone explain this to me? Like, the original tweet doesn’t seem to be directed at Taylor specifically, but it does say “If your video celebrates women with very slim bodies.” Taylor frequently has videos featuring women with very slim bodies, and is also nominated. The only folks who really fit that

She was a casualty of the Great Gawker War, about which many songs have been written. I love that her new screen name is basically “IDGAF, ban this one too, assholes.”

Can’t bring you back from the dead, but I can make sure your ghostly apparition is visible.

Your username... is that you, MisAndry? Did you need to get a new one?

You can, however, have a local jammer that blocks whatever the normal frequencies used to control the drones. It wouldn’t necessarily knock them out of the sky, but with the operator unable to control them they’ll crash or drift off site

I was just going to suggest a machine gun.

Technically, they already are. Fire operations like this trigger a TFR (Temporary Flight Restriction) from the FAA, which looks like this:…

After reading this, I 100 percent agree.

To be fair, maybe they should be banned within a certain range of firefighters trying to you know, do important things. Cameras are good enough to where you don’t need to chase helicopters around to get a good shot of things.

I've had good security habits, malware/virus protection, passwords all of my life, and I've kept my data on lock down for 40 years with no problems. Then Anthem just gave hackers every bit of information they need to mess with me for the rest of my life (and after). Don't worry though, they are providing 2 years of