
That is because they are “You Tubers” (ahem) and once you agree to monetize your videos with You Tube all of your content is monetized (ie ad placed in front) whether it is a funny video or something intensely personal.

How is the Woody Allen thing that much different from the Bill Cosby thing. Both men are sexual predators and women would be better off far away. Why is it Woody Allen gets a pass for his talent? Bill Cosby is a talented guy.

So is this why I got knocked back to grey? Some part of the banning as I established my username back then, too? I always wondered... (Another whisper in the greys...)

Agreed Madeleine, never tarnish a good guacamole.

Yeah, this, I can’t even process this. Everyone who attended these classes should go under review (if a true statement) because we do not need a bunch of misinformed, poorly educated ultrasound techs out there. Good lord!

Can our “Denim Renaissance” include jeans for more than one shape? I have an actual “high rise” and will put a serious pox on the the “Low Rise Movement” if we can’t have, say low, mid, and high.

I don’t disagree with PETA’S statement. We should not breed. We should TnR, we should rescue, not buy animals, from stores/breeders, and we should NEVER change an animal’s appearance/behavior with breeding. (That pisses me off). We must allow our animals to be animals, while we protect them. It is a fine line.

I think the dresses are kind of cute, but not my personal style. If they were I would probably look for a vintage Lilly P over the Target version just because that is MY aesthetic. However, again, it is just not my jam. (I think I look better in smaller, darker prints because I am fairly pale - crucify me if you must

Is that Escape From Witch Mountain?

I am 100% in agreement with you. (Although likely you will never read this as I got bumped to the greys for no reason several months back and gave up trying to retain posting status on a site that has evolved into a bully site that frankly discourages those of us 50+ from feeling as if we belong).

For some reason I thought this was a reality show and I cannot decide if I am dissapointed or not upon learning it is scripted television.

Remember in the old days when we could heart things? I'd heart you for this ugly dress rant in a snap if I could. It's ugly no mater what color it 'is' but I guess I preferred where it looks white /gold. The blue/black hurts my brain. Why is that a garment someone would make/want?

Thank you for posting. I was working and unable to watch all of the Oscar's. My DVR did not record (of course). This was a spectacular performance.

Hey Mark, I know you're all for the gross impact but it's just called a trach - not referred to as 'a hole in the throat' by anyone even though technically that's what it is. Had one in Aug 2012. Learned how to talk through it even though it was *really* gross (you don't want to know) and luckily for me it was removed

I guess I want to believe she is wearing underwear since she is in a church (converted or not) but that looks like the shadow and reflection of the 'armour' top )which looks sheer in places) not underwear.

Wearing the FitBit MAKES me conscious to get up and move. It reminds me I should get up from behind my desk and walk, or swim, or bike.

I love The Californians... and yes, I live in SoCal. Not only do we discuss traffic/directions but we're always looking for the best way around said traffic... (Or, having neighborhoods manipulate apps like WAZE to trick drivers to stay OUT of their neighborhoods.) Traffic is a thing here. We talk about it and this

Goodbye and good luck, Burt.

Ugh, I am so guilty of this. I am sending myself to the corner now.

Just nope!