
I’m a white person (not OP) who isn’t used to hearing other white people spew racist bullshit, and when I do I’m surprised and appalled.

I for one am always surprised. Not feigning at all. I have actually tried to understand how the hateful kind of racism (the ignorant kind makes more sense to me) came to be and it still doesn't make sense.

Most of us don’t hang out with the racists. I absolutely believe that racism is a thing and know that many of my friends have to deal with crap like this every day. But I was raised in a multicultural community, married into a not racist family and don’t have racist friends. I have heard a white person use the “n

Because when you don’t live among racists it is genuinely shocking. I live on a little lily white island of the UK mainland that had a load of grandmas knitting a “Welcome to the Island” banner for the Syrian refugees that were sent over here. And it was great. Also there was cake.

There is no such thing as a soulmate, no person who ‘fits’ with you completely. People have flaws, and people change. The partner whose qualities you love now may evolve overtime, as we all do. The You in twenty years will be far different than the You today, and who’s to say that the relationship won’t sour as a

I HATE to bring you out of the greys on this comment but are you SERIOUSLY saying that Cosby is innocent?? No. Just no.

I worked at a field job counting salmon in AK. Our (2-person remote field site) only bathing facility was a wood-fired banya (Russian for sauna), so we didn’t crank it up every day. I also worked at a remote field site out of Barrow, and same thing. If you are all doing the same thing, no biggie.

oh god yes. I came from a women’s college, so when I got to law school I really had zero issues raising my hand if I felt like I had something to contribute — I just wasn’t socialized to “let” men control the conversation, I guess? SO MANY PEOPLE thought I was so obnoxious.

Yes, I, an out gay man, am very homophobic. You’re adorable.

Are you on the DL my friend? Is that why you’re so upset? **HUGS**

Lots of people of avoid sex with people of the opposite sex...

I am an alum of Clarion (if she’s talking about the uni in PA)! And I love Octavia. She was amazing and made a girl who loved sci fi feel included when she read about people that looked like her. She left us too soon!

I’m no expert by any means, but the first thing your comment made me think of was Phyllis Wheatley. She was the best selling author of her time, and left the United States for England, where slavery had already been abolished. Upon hearing her former...female slave owner (mistress?) had become ill, she gave up her

“To pretend that slaves were never happy or never had a good day or never smiled is to deny them a basic part of their humanity. [...] young children aren’t necessarily ready to understand that, but some people act like showing a slave smiling is like jumping head first onto a slippery slope straight back to Uncle

In college, I was (seemingly) good friends with a group of guys. One, my ex boyfriend who I had a fairly on-again, off-again relationship with. While hanging out with them one night, guy 1 made some lame, slightly suggestive comment towards me that I promptly ignored. Guy 2 immediately followed his comment with “Hey,

She is absolutely not your equal.

its the internet. Not really conducive to destroying my finer feelings over lunch. Don’t tell me you’re one of those oddballs who get all hand trembly and angsty over internet commentary - clearly you haven’t been raped nearly enough!

enjoy your sandwich, you valuable member of society.

I will remember that while I imagine:

Imagine that worked the other way round, particularly given the homophobia of a lot of this crowd: