Fundamentalist anythings are a problem. As for Hasidic Jews taking over towns, Lakewood isn’t alone, they did it in Ramapo, NY too. Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon... fundamentalists are the worst versions of their faiths.
Fundamentalist anythings are a problem. As for Hasidic Jews taking over towns, Lakewood isn’t alone, they did it in Ramapo, NY too. Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon... fundamentalists are the worst versions of their faiths.
Remember why Satan/Lucifer was kicked out Heaven:
If you Google “republican jesus” you can see the rest. This one is my favorite of the serious ones (mostly because I am Atheist):
Last one, I promise :P
The funny thing is, Satanists are a group of people who follow the philosophy of reason.
Right??? This is kind of a masterful defense, and now that I think of it, kind of incredible that nobody’s ever thought of it before. It’s literally fighting “Freedom of religion” with “Freedom of religion.” I mean, you don’t even have to be a member of the satanic temple. If you’re an Athiest, a Jew— these are…
When someone says, “What would Jesus do?” I prefer to remind them that flipping over tables and chasing people out with a whip is in the realm of possibilities there.
They don’t actually worship Satan, to be fair... not in the, like, pissing on an upside-down cross or licking Satan’s butthole kind of way, anyway. It’s more... atheistic humanism, I guess. And a firm commitment to destroy bad Christian legislation. They’re pretty awesome, and as a practicing (but reasonable,…
All over Missouri, forced-birth politicians are having a Valarie Hodges moment.
Are there fun holidays, or just sticking it to Evangelical morons? Both are good, don’t get me wrong.
Because appealing to a sense of rational morality has gotten us absolutely nowhere with the evangelical fuckers. Only way to get anywhere is to beat them at their own game
If the hardcore Christian right can mess with people’s choices then why can’t Satanists?
It’s weird until you realize that the Christians created the Upside-Down. They’re the ones who decided to turn their religion, supposedly about helping the poor and forgiving sinners, into one of bigotry and oppression and then force it on other people.
Say what you will but Satan is WAY more chill than God...
I love when bible thumping nutjobs get a taste of their own medicine.
“Religious freedom” goes both ways, fuckers. Good on you, Satanic Temple.
One down, 665 roadblocks to go.
We truly live in the Upside-Down where the Satan worshipers are the de-facto good guys.
the rules imposed on abortion seekers by the state of Missouri “does not advance a compelling governmental interest
It would be wonderful if the Satanists won. Not only do they have a valid provable point regarding the fact that Jane Doe shouldn’t have been forced to listen to the foetus’s heartbeat, it also raises questions regarding religion and its impact on the law. Satanism is as legitimate as any other religion.If the…