
I like mustard too, but I think sucking down a packet is just a bit weird. But hey, whatever works to prevent cramps.

Ian Desmond didn’t root against another local sports team on their way to a championship? (I personally understand why Bryce Harper rooted for Vegas, and I suspect if it were any other team facing the Caps, he would have been rocking the red. But it still rankles a lot of DC sports fans.)

Both can be issues. Biden’s shitty history and the fact that he’s losing his faculties--which may be due in part to his age--should both disqualify him.

Why doesn’t this have more stars?

Isn’t the Rangers AHL affiliate in Hartford?

That was just a brutal turnover.

There’s a difference between telling a same-sex couple, “I won’t make a cake for your wedding because you’re gay and my religion says no” and telling someone who wants a cake with a bigoted expression on it, “I will make you a cake, but I won’t make you that cake.”

You mean Ivana, right? Even in the U.S., you’re not allowed to marry your offspring.

I think presidential children get it until they’re 21. And starting with Bush II, the president and spouse only get it for ten years after leaving office.

Nope. Most of the players live in Arlington or elsewhere in Northern Virginia, so he can’t run for elected office in DC. If he moves into DC, maybe.

He said that criminalizing sex with teenage girls was a cultural aberration and that at times in history it was perfectly acceptable.

When I was a teenager back in the 1980s, the drinking age was lower than 21 in some states. And I remember reading an article in my father’s Reader’s Digest about how some teens would go over the border to where the drinking age was lower so they could imbibe. Apparently these were called blood borders because folks

And she looks like Camilla.

Divorce and single-parent homes are not unique to the U.S.

The El Paso shooter’s actions reflect your party. Your party hates immigrants (and everyone who isn’t white, christian, straight, and male)...

Yeah, well, Reagan had his equally awful wife, Nancy, to rein him in. Had Twitter been around in the 1980s, she’d have kept him on a short leash as far as social media goes. Melania doesn’t give a shit what Donald does as long as she keeps the gravy train rolling.

I agree that’s a fair point you were making. (I can’t speak for other folks who corrected you, but I do admit to being pedantic.)

Wasn’t this sort of the plot of the villain in Moonraker?

So why are you commenting on an article about hockey?

Conservatives should probably fuck a bit more.