
The reason Republican politicians scream about immigration isn’t only racism, it’s the sure knowledge that the immigrants will still come whether or not there’s a legal means of doing so, and if it’s not legal, the business owners who will hire them regardless can pay them much less and treat them much worse and doing

So the Works Progress Administration 2.0? This country can’t do anything big or forward thinking anymore, it’s beyond its Sell By date. Selfishness, greed, anger, and fear have ruined it.

Andy, Thank you for writing this!

Great concept, but you’re speaking as if voters are sane and rational enough to vote in their self interest and in the interest of the country, and that racism and hyper partisan politics don’t exist.

For the past 10 years or so I’ve had this idea in my head of a CCC plan for the 21st Century, one that would solve both the problems of immigration and of infrastructure:

This country is literally built upon poor non-white immigrant labor that’s still doing all the “undesirable” physical labor jobs to keep prices low because white people don’t want to do back breaking for basically pennies.

“...and suddenly... Wonder what...” Just a thought/theory.”Opinions are just that, opinions.”

Would make sense if this didn’t happen 4 years ago. 

Good. Let this be a lesson to everyone. Mind your own goddamn business. I’m sick of everyone hopped up on outrage trying to be the One Lone Ranger or whatever that shit is called. Mind your own goddamn business, and leave your guns at home in a locked cabinet.

Why the hell anyone would get on one of these floating shit-barge prisons, let alone pay for the opportunity, is completely beyond me

Cool, another reason to never step foot on these plague rafts.

If I have pot why would I need a cruise ship?

GAP is theoretically for the life of the loan. Not for the next year. I don’t even know where you got that from. Obviously, there’s going to be a point where what you owe is equal to or less than what insurance is expected to pay out if your car gets totaled. But that’s about 3 or so years of payments. Maybe more

Lol, someone is a little touchy. If this fire was caused by the issue the car has a recall for it has nothing to do with it being an ICE. 

I don’t think he can outbid an insurance company in bribes lobbying fees.

I don’t understand why people do this. Riding is dangerous enough as it is.

Not defending him at all, but the consequences of being an asshat on a motorcycle land almost entirely on the asshat.

Yoooo, Turo is hell. I have rented though them without any issues for a long time. Super pleasant until there was the one time where something went wrong. Turo 100% protects the hosts of the vehicles and loves damage claims because they stick 20% on top. Its free money to them and the more the hosts scam the more they

What you have to understand about Conservatism is at its core, it is about preserving an in-group protected by the law but not bound by it, and an out-group bound by the law but not protected by it.

Rolling coal when a person is in the vicinity and when the individual rolling coal intentionally or knowingly causes that excess exhaust to contact that bystander is AT A MINIMUM an assault. They are causing their vehicle to “spit” on a living, breathing, human being that is worthy of dignity and not having his or her