
the word latest carries some linguistic and social baggage - it implies a revolving door of dudes. current would work, though it would still carry a whiff, and boyfriend would simply tell it like it qualifier necessary.

Nope Licks.

Ooo, I’ve seen a fair number of people out in kinja who really don’t like PSA/Crooked crew, but hot damn I love listening to Lovett get fired up like he did on the most recent show!

I have vowed never to disengage, I feel like we need to keep our eyes and ears open. My line in the sand is if Trump fires Muller. If that happens I’m absolutely taking to the streets. No violence, but this old bird is out there.

Does the president usually lead a prayer at these breakfasts? I’d really like to hear that.

“Lord, thank you for this’s great food, incredible food...and I tell you Lord, I know good food, I serve only best, best food at my hotels and golf courses...”

I was over at A.V. Club, posting about This is Us, and how I would also go back into my burning house for the dog(s). Someone told me this was a horrible thing to do to my children. I said I don’t have any children. I was then told that when I did have children I’d understand. I responded I’m 49 and 1/2 and have 4

It would be hypocritical if society was fair and supportive of parents so that you could give a baby all they need no matter what that is. However, since every family is essentially on their own, we can be grateful that some parents, like those of this cutie, are able to make it work while facing up to our own reality.

Hope Hicks Dates Pricks.

Disclaimer: only skimmed the article. I can’t sleep and I’m not wearing my glasses. I don’t want to think America is definitely on the way to collapse but I think it is a possibility. There are reasonable political scientists that think things are going real bad.

Its ridiculously purple and unsurprisingly lacking on actual data. I wouldn’t give him the time of day. Tho a xanax and a fainting couch like Sailor said is a fine idea.

I’m an american living in NZ. I feel like this has been reality for a long time, and people are just now waking up to it.

I don’t think we’re close to being a full on failed state but I do think he raises some valid points, especially how our hypercapitalist society has eroded our familial and social bonds leaving us lonely and disconnected. I remember reading about, years ago, how deaths of despair are on the rise, which would include

I’ve grown up poor in America, so I feel like I have “lived in the trenches” as you may. I think the writer is one of the few people that can actually see the writing on the wall. That country is fucked, it is only going to get worse, and i literally thank God every day I was able to emigrate from there years ago.

That article was more than a little histrionic. We’ve got enormous problems to be sure, but it is not the bleak hellscape that the writer describes. After reading this, I felt less concerned for our future as I felt compelled to hunt the guy down so I could give him some Xanax and a fainting couch.

I think he understated it, frankly.

It feels pretty doom and gloom here. It feels like everyone in a position to do anything about it has their head in the sand and nobody is willing to really call them out on their B.S. and out right lies.

If a big change don’t happen in November, be real fucking terrified.

Sounds normal to me. I’m super, super introverted. I once spent a long weekend at home alone, and realized at work the next morning that my voice was cracking because I hadn’t spoken in five days. It was awesome.

Man friend sounds like a keeper - Unsolved Mysteries and Amazing Steak sounds like two out of three, and the night is still young!

lol yes I laughed at the Xmas tree but it was well meant and forward planning. I was surprised at the council too, I was geared up for them to say no but my housing officer is a cat lover and said yes straight away.