
I don’t know why, but this post in particular made me feel the need to comment as an example of the fewer fucks given - it wasn’t until my 30s that I felt comfortable enough to fart infront of Mr Useforaname and now the floodgates have opened; the stinky, stinky floodgates.

Yay, that’s awesome. Good for you for taking control.

i realize what my triggers are. I really need to get away from my family.

That’s a really fantastic, simple way of asking... I guess maybe I was also worried about how to present my question as I can get verbose when dealing with stuff like this.

As a Gen-Xer I’m tempted to say something sarcastic but really, I hear ya.

My feeling is that I don’t want to date anyone who would take a clarifying conversation as “neediness” or “insecurity.” To me that signals someone who won’t be able to show up emotionally the way I expect a partner to show up (and who is pretty immature and/or buys into misogynistic ideas about relationships and

I was looking for brag thread but I can’t see it :-( apologies if it shows up whilst I’m typing, but I haven’t been on sns for so long and I had to share.

I posted last week about being sober just over three months. I had a breakthrough at my meeting this week that was really awesome in how I realized how amazing it is that since I have accepted that I am an alcoholic and decided to seek help, I have thought about drinking but not had that insane need for it.

Sending hugs as well! My mother was in a similar situation around ten years ago and chose a hysterectomy not long after it was detected, and in her case it went off without a hitch and she was relieved to have it out of the way before it became symptomatic. Whatever you choose, good luck!

I think I’d probably still give him a chance, especially if his other answers were sufficiently progressive enough. Abortion is a very personal thing and I know a lot of people who have very complicated feelings about it. I am a woman and 100% pro-choice but I have that question marked as no.

Thirty-seven year old here. Your thirties ARE awesome. Others have posted about this before, but once in my thirties I gained a kind of self-confidence and body acceptance that I never expected. Part of it was “fuck it, I’m too tired to care anymore what anyone thinks,” and part of it was honestly just feeling more

30's are when I really started not giving a fuck about what other people thought (40's are even better for that!). It’s very freeing, and I’ll bet you will grow amazing amounts of confidence in yourself in your 30's!

I finally paid off my student loans yesterday. I’ve had enough money for a while, but I was always worried about what would happen if I lost my job or really needed that money. But yesterday, I decided to take a leap of faith and just pay them all off at once and never worry about them again.

By comparison, Obama’s was appointed in little over a month and made the country’s first comprehensive HIV/AIDS strategy within a year and a half.

I had an interesting childhood, but everyone else involved, for the most part, came from a place of love.

My relationship with my father is beyond problematic and I haven’t been in contact with him for over 3 years. Reading all of you rave about your awesome dads makes me feel like shit (not your fault, obvs - I’m super happy that some of you have great dads). Anyone else who has cut contact with their father/main father

My dad would insist on reading us The Littlest Angel, and then he would cry Every. Single. Time.

That is huge. I’m so happy that she knows she can do this, and can.

TIL that polio builds character. Considering my family tree is rife with genetic disorders and incurable degenerative diseases, I must be effervescing with character.