Brandon Y.

Back in the early days of multiplexes, it was fairly common for people to wander from one auditorium to another if the movie they were watching was boring or if they were just curious about what was playing next door. (The staff generally didn’t care if you’d paid for a ticket.) I remember going to the local six-plex

They’re not zombies. They just haven’t yet gotten across the street to get their first cup of Tim Horton’s coffee.

OK? One wonders, if you are not a scientist, or part of the “mainstream” (legitimate) media, why would you be monetizing a video regarding the Coronavirus? Just to cash in, I’d imagine. Videos by random people babbling about a public health crisis is in no way helpful.

See. Shocked.

I have questions.

Does Simon Pegg still act or does he exclusively spend his time interviewing about Star Trek. This is probably the 20th quote I've seen from him. I loved when Tarantino was interviewed and said Pegg doesn't know what the f he's talking about.

You sound more upset than any of the people who complained about this. Maybe his article should have had a disclaimer for you?


So... its The Bachelor?

Toxicity in MY reality TV?!?!

Well, I for one am shocked. I thought The Bachelor would always be known as the greatest among us competing with honor and respect.

Isn’t the premise of The Bachelor too inherently toxic to be fun?

He handled the Sony meddling and still wanted to make Spider-Man 4. And Sony’s meddling is, by pretty much all accounts, a lot worse.

The Cornetto Trilogy is because it was a team of him, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and Jessica Hynes. They go back to the TV show “Spaced.”

No no. Encryption is good when the government does it. Are you paying attention?

Eh. I think Wright wanted to make his own movie and not have to play in the MCU sandbox. And since Ant Man saved the world I can see why it was important to tie it in 

Yes. And to say otherwise ignores at least a half dozen movies. Please stop with this.

yeah, ESPN is bad sometimes. You want to watch a 30 second highlight, but you need to watch a 30 second commercial first. Want to watch that awesome slam-dunk again?  Watch another commercial.  I give up.

Right, you can't really have it both ways as a show. If you're going to leave a lot of stuff undefined to let the viewer fill it in, you have to commit to it. Otherwise (and I feel terrible invoking this show again) you end up in a LOST area where the answers are disappointing, or promised and undelivered, or make no

I know I'll be in the minority, but this episode didn't work for me. There was nothing about his escape and joining the resistance group that we haven't seen before. It was a by-the-numbers journey. It might be personal preference, but I don't find Luke very compelling, so I'm not interested in the details of how