Brandon Y.

Truth is, Kelvin exists b/c Paramount wanted their Marvel

Well, it was the first movie that felt like a long episode of the show (i.e. felt more like Star Trek). It’s the first film where they were truly exploring and engaging with new species and uncovering a mystery.

Yeah, for some reason I assumed it had already been given a series order since they always renew the other shows early and plan the next seasons fairly far in advance. Saving the decision for May does not sound promising, especially since they already ordered Superman & Lois to series. 

What gives me hope is that the director genuinely insists that the version coming to theatres is his vision and that despite appearances (i.e. the delays) he is happy with the final product. Now, that may not mean much if he’s not a great director (I haven’t seen any of his movies) but at least what we’ll get is what

Agreed, except for Supergirl. 

They’re absolutely real. When I heard that the musician B.O.B. was a “Flat Earther” I kind of went down this rabbit hole of articles and videos of people who actually believe it. 

[Looks at Thor. Looks at Thor: The Dark World. Looks at Thor: Ragnarok.]

omg I want both! And thanks to the concept of the Spider-Verse, we can have both!

The frustration is less about the initial block and more about how PayPal is handling the subsequent process. It’s easy to block things, but such a large company, with a proper understanding that people’s funds are on the line (see: the part of the article about people needing to pay rent), should have clearer action

That’s not what “populist” means. And what on earth is “audience-unfriendly”? 

Not even 10 minutes. I believe I read somewhere that their old metric used to be something like “watched 70% of.” While still not great, it’s obviously much more fair.

That sucks. Sorry that was a thing for you growing up.

“Nothing bad happened here.” man, people are so fucked

Of course it’s a template. These are all put together by PR offices. 

But we saw Henry making the call and leaving the message. Well, not all of the message but enough to infer that he was kind of through with Castle Rock. And I'm pretty sure Henry was at Shawshank to accept the settlement (which it looks like he did based on scenes from the next episode). 

No they didn’t. That storyline was almost 50 issues in. And it was forever ago. Not really something to use as a justification for this dreck. 

Going by the comments, do you really think everyone somehow missed that this could somehow be closer to the comics, except you? I don’t even know where to begin with “Teen Titans exist because Robin got really angry at Batman (he was angry because he was being fired), left (because he was fired) to form his own team

I never knew I would live in a world where I would watch a movie where Superman literally snaps a guy’s neck. DC has a very fucked up direction for our world, apparently.

I don’t think it’s necessary to put down someone’s looks but, as Dick Grayson has always been my favorite DC character, I will say everything else you said was on point.

Oh please. This goes way beyond Zack Snyder. He’s a convenient target because he’s the name you know. So while he and others are fired, the real decision makers get to continue approving this incompetently conceived garbage while raking in six to seven figure salaries.