With so few owners and so many closed door ownership meanings, they can literally collude with each other on every aspect of the game. Especially since the federal government has decided it is okay for the NFL to have a monopoly on the sport.
With so few owners and so many closed door ownership meanings, they can literally collude with each other on every aspect of the game. Especially since the federal government has decided it is okay for the NFL to have a monopoly on the sport.
This whole situation reminds me of the onion article where the UN decided to put every oppressed minority group in a seperate country named ethniclashistan. What could go wrong?
They should have traded away their first picks to get a solid offensive line and picked up Kaep for cheap... Of course i also think they should run a gimmick offense for the first 3-4 games of the season to get some cheap wins until there is enough tape to crush it.
By fantasy league, do you mean the umpires are unicorns and dwarves and such?
This. The shuttlecock has a ton of wind resistance and seems to fall straight down at the end of its travel. They are trying to get the other team to let it fall just barely fair.
The ghastlyness of Ohio foods doesn’t stop in Cincy. My adopted hometown has a signature dish served on labor day weekend: “Roast Ox”.
Ohio, no one is rushing to get dinner here, so we drive very carefully.
Is US Gymnastics going to be hit with a boatload of torts?
The funniest thing is the paracord bracelet that... Offsets the cufflinks in some way. The outfit can only be explained as dressing by lottery.
Give it a full length bed and I’m in.
I vote for Mark “The Hammer” Coleman to fall on MSU administration and the Olympic gymnastics administration.
As a certified organic farmer, I can assure you it isn’t a meaningless gimmick. Unlike “craft”, “all-natural”, “free-range”, or the dreaded “GMO-free”, certified organic is a legally defined term with significant penalties for false advertising (up to 150% of gross sales, if only predatory lender penalties were as…
I always figured most of his brain power was devoted to maintaining that pure white hair. Just clench your butt and will the brown into submission.
To be fair to the man, he is related to THAT Ty Cobb. He gets a family name pass on it, even if it is weird.
Any Mediterranean grocery with have them by the pound. Pasta puttanesca is the easiest entry point recipe.
Whole salted Anchovies are the beat thing going for making umami a reality in your life: beef tastes beefier, emulsion dressings pop, the sun shines brighter... The paste is mearly adequate by comparison.
Safer than doing meth and robbing a strip club armed with a gator or attempting to get a hummer from a black widow spider.
You are right, I was drunk. 1918 was a top ten bad year. Sorry 1915, you were fine for America.
Left out 1915 when we were deployed to WWI stalemate, mud, hellscape and a flu killed, like, 1 out of 5 people.