You can get that with a 5 finger discount but its risky business.
You can get that with a 5 finger discount but its risky business.
I predict a lot of divorces from this, were the woman isn’t getting enough at home.
Exactly, the Republican’ts do not legislate based on the constitution the legislate based on the bible.
I wonder what would happen if they legalized coke? Hmmm...!!!!
That kid is going to be targeted by the military and defense industry, they do not like competition. He’s a goner.
XBOX, Hololens, AR and Kinect are going to kick ass.
The camera needs to be mounted higher so the driver trying to pass has a better field of view. also, it would be useful to have the truck’s current speed and the speed needed to achieve to pass it in less than 5 seconds. Maybe the car behind it doesn’t have the pep to pass it fast enough.
Gesture typing directly on screen.
No one’s getting a refund since most people play more than 2 hours.
Microsoft is going to take MineCraft to another level with their HoloLens project.
Your Xbox...
Wow, I can’t wait till Apple invents the automobile and does it with a big event like all the other inventions (Smart phones, s,art watches, music players, etc.)
See? No answers, just ridicules. RIP GOP.
Obama will never sign budgets that come with earmarks, cut on entitlements and give more tax credits to the wealthy. I guess everything I typed so far isn’t enough for you to show you how much I know about politics. I told you ridicules and insults are not answers. Quit changing the subject and show me those policies…
I didn’t ask for the deficit numbers which is completely different than the National Debt, All you did with that Graph is show me how Clinton put us in a surplus and how Obama was able to reduce it by hundreds of Billions so far. The economy is at its best since Obama took office.
There’s tons? The list goes on? enlighten me with a list, so far you have given me one. Worth 6 Billion.
According to your response, Obama is responsible for $6 Billion out of the $18 TRILLION debt because of cash for clunkers? LOL
Since you think you know better than me then name a Obama policy that has added to the debt in the Trillions. Obamacare did not, it is bringing revenues and it is insurance. So is SS, Medicare, etc. But the wars, they were voted for in FULL by the Republicans, Tax cuts for the wealthy all GOP with no revenues, Big oil…
That doesn’t explain why congress was fed faulty intelligence since we know now that it was all a fluke (WMD’s)